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Everything posted by Maggz

  1. Hi everyone, As the title says, I'm selling or in this case willing to swap my AAM resonated short tails with 5" Nismo titanium burnt tips for a quieter exhaust. Only done 200 miles with them, and priced new are over 800£. HFCs, CBEs... let me know what you have and lets see if we can make this swap happen! You'll see on the pictures that they're still shiny, even on the inside, so practically new. Only reason I'm selling is because I realized I'm too old for a loud exhaust. I thought I'd enjoy it, and I really didn't enough. Everyone else absolutely loved it, especially people on the streets Nuts and gaskets not included, only bolts, as I used them when installing them, and left them on the car when reverting back to OE. But if that's a deal breaker,i'll get them and supply those as well. Happy to answer questions. For sound comparisons of the check this vid: https://youtu.be/6d7rootUaNM
  2. Hi everyone, As the title says, I'm selling my AAM resonated short tails with 5" Nismo titanium burnt tips for £700. Only done 200 miles with them, and priced new are over 800£. You'll see on the pictures that they're still shiny, even on the inside Only reason I'm selling is because I realized I'm too old for a loud exhaust. I thought I'd enjoy it, and I really didn't enough, especially as this car is my daily and weekend toy, so Monday mornings were a bit of challenge. Everyone else absolutely loved it, especially people on the streets and surprisingly my missus as well Nuts and gaskets not included, only bolts, as I used them when installing them, and left them on the car when reverting back to OE. But if that's a deal breaker,i'll get them and supply those as well. I'd like to find a quiet(er) exhaust so wiling to swap as well. I'll make another post in the swap shop too. Happy to answer questions. For sound comparisons check this vid: https://youtu.be/6d7rootUaNM Bought at Torqen for £809 - Willing to listen to sensible offers, but i'm definitely not willing to sell them 50% under the price.
  3. @Humpy, just bought the tickets now! Talk about late arrivals Looking forward to seeing you all there
  4. Looks like you guys had a good time. Was Kush lapping people as well? Anyone took any pictures?
  5. Thanks. Sounds great lol, a bit raspy with HFCs but the back box only sound was amazing. You're a bit far so I need to think about the logistics a bit as I'm in Wembley once a month, otherwise I'm from E Midlands. I'll let you know if I decide to pull the trigger. Thanks again for the vids
  6. Any sound clips of the exhaust before you put HFCs in? I got a 67 plate nismo and I'm looking at custom axle backs as I'm not a fan of paying £800 for AAM, and custom ones tend to have a better fit anyway Thanks
  7. Yeah I work at birch coppice park so I drive through them every day, they're a lot more fun than M42
  8. Haha, I'm a bad passenger as well so I get it. Yeah we had a blast as well
  9. Great vid, hilarious commentary @davey_83 this is the route I was talking about, my after work wind down, and we drove on E (start point),D,C,B,A https://goo.gl/maps/ickD1FdCvfK2
  10. Definitely won't be able to come Hope you guys have a blast and I'll make sure we're there next time
  11. @davey_83 I'll let you know, I got my parents visiting between 10th and 20th July, so it'll be a challenge. But let's see what happens. Maybe they'll need to get away from me for a few hours by the time 15th comes around lol
  12. What vlog? Got a link? but yeah, use anything you need
  13. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gtgqNHZCeeXvB559A All pics from today
  14. Thanks all for a great day out. Loved the company, cars and the drive. I'll check what my dash cam recorded later on as well. For now just these few pics
  15. A newbie coming to introduce himself with a +1 See you all there
  16. I'll definitely come with my missus Davey. We're not really morning folks but we'll try to be there as soon as we can
  17. Maybe, on both counts But I've heard it from the outside as well and compared to stock exhaust on a 2L T it's loads better. Definitely not compared to any aftermarket exhaust on the VQ engines
  18. Coming from a turbo 4banger the stock nismo is already loud for me, but I guess it's the same with bhp...you get used to it quickly and need more of it Definitely remembering the recommendation for when the time comes. Thanks
  19. Thanks Andy Added to calendar, I'll confirm closer to the event.
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