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Mik Du

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Everything posted by Mik Du

  1. What is this? Is there website link?
  2. Welcome. Is it a wrap? I've never seen that colour?
  3. Thanks @StevoD that helps! I've decided i'm having one. @evilscorp let me know how you get on mate. See what condition its in. Cheers
  4. Yes I'm looking to buy if I like the look of it. I think I do but can't be sure from the one pic on the site. Thanks
  5. Does anyone have this GT style front lip fitted which is for sale at tarmac? https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/exterior-parts/350z-facelift-2006-2008-gt-style-polyurethane-front-lip.html I would like to see a few pix of it fitted as the ones on the website aren't great.
  6. Does anyone have this GT style front lip fitted which is for sale at tarmac? https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/exterior-parts/350z-facelift-2006-2008-gt-style-polyurethane-front-lip.html I would like to see a few pix of it fitted as the ones on the website aren't great.
  7. Nice. I'm going to get some LED interior lights now. Look way better....I mean all the other stuff is cool also, but I'm a bit skint at the min. Haha
  8. This sounds good! And not too far from me. My cars not show ready but I'll probably have a ride down just out of interest. Never heard of it before.
  9. Assuming your car has wipers already, do you want new because they have seen better days? Just incase this is the issue have a look at this thread, it's easy to do and results are fantastic. Also, I have a full rear wiper assembly available in Yorkshire. Apparently we don't like rear wipers in this forum. Haha.
  10. Mine were same, did them this weekend. Sorry I didn't get a before pic but they were same as all others in this thread, I followed pretty much same process as @fellsteruk. But I started at 60grit . Oxidisation was BAD on mine. I think satin black is the perfect finish (unless you are going super high gloss orange, haha)
  11. My note to traders would be: More often than not im just looking for ideas to spend my spare change on so get your work/products bumped. Doesn't really matter if the steering wheel you retrim is from a Lexus or the car you've detailed is a Honda, its the quality of the work/products that interest me. Then it's just a matter of translating it to the Zed if it wasn't already. I haven't had my Zed long and I didn't know who Torqen, Tarmac or Mondo were until I came on here, speaks volumes for the traders on this forum I think. I've already ordered parts from Tarmac and it turns out my car already had Torqen spacers fitted. Wouldn't have known about either without the forum. Keep those offers coming.
  12. I didn't realise there were that many options... I'm looking to get some for my Dare Hiros but I'm in the same boat as you now. No idea which I need. Sorry this wasn't help. Haha
  13. Be super careful then, I assume that will scratch just as easily? I've got the same issue but will probably wrap the entire console.
  14. Mik Du

    Oil grade

    125k on the trousers or on the car?
  15. I'd bring you a bottle if it wasn't a 3 hr round trip.
  16. Go on then. You've twisted my arm. 1 Des Farley 2 Patrick John 3 Matty Jasper 4. Stuggerz 5. Benjamin Murfin 6. Clive Hunt 7. Gregory Griffo Griffiths 8. Ben 9. Tom Jackson - Nipwahh 10. Hayden Adams - Hayd350 11. Danny - DJ_MDL 12. Jamie Bridge 13. Sean Newton 14. 350_Jer 15. Sargara 16. Mik Du
  17. Thanks @Kev. That is the one. At least I know what I'm looking for now. Haha
  18. Certainly looks well on your car!
  19. Thanks Adam. I've been looking at these myself, the image of it on that car seems to be used quite a bit for selling various versions of these online and I always tend to be put off by that pic as to me, it looks like it's on upside down. It seems to point more upwards rather than more backwards like the RB one does. The gradient of the extension is much less severe on the actual RB one (see red car). I'd love one like that.
  20. I can use the link but I can't see a delete option, just an edit.
  21. Woah! I just read this entire thing from 2013 to now. Some amazing work. Large majority of the pics no longer working (damn photobucket) including ANYTHING after the wrap! Can you post some pics hosted on here so I can see it as it is today? I'm too invested in it now to not see the car in its current glory.
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