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Everything posted by pintopete58

  1. I do still have my Ray's powder coated in a silvery black they are like new
  2. Not a thing and no spacers
  3. Only because we've been honest? On ower figures?
  4. Remember it all revolves around MONEY
  5. Paul every time I come on here I have to look over my shoulder to see if your there
  6. This might be a better picture
  7. They are 245 x 35 x 19 front 275 x 35 x 19 rear
  8. These are my D9r offset rear 30 fronts 23
  9. I think now it's at that age you must keep it stock . And the rules are getting tighter
  10. Thanks for that will see what happens then try it on there
  11. Cheers it's even great underneath. Did miss acouple of things new timing belt and a service
  12. Hi guys it's 1.6 and it does have new decals the person who buys will get the decals with it
  13. Do you have any pictures
  14. Street full of nice loudish cars
  15. If any body would like a future classic 1986 capri female owner for 27 years full professional respray all glass removed doors sunroof bonnet hatch NEVER had any welding done interior is near on mint . New parts front wings bumpers rear springs clutch carb rebuild battery radiator and exhaust discs & pads 95000 miles £ 11500 ono
  16. Let me no when a house comes up for sale
  17. 360 or 280 part ex I bought a second hand off ebay for 35 mine wheel was from a guy in Ireland
  18. This is mine looks like we got them from the same guy
  19. That's not very nice do you mean my loved one
  20. That's one hello of acar. You did say dave it won't be blue
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