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Everything posted by pintopete58

  1. Just for you young dudes out there it's the black van / pickup next to the red chevy stepsid pickup
  2. Go for it just done mine but mine only does -1000 miles year. Oil is manufactured by tesco and they put Asda's badge on it HAHAHA. Don't worry any oil is better than no oil
  3. I grew up with this type of motor shame you never got any pictures of the econoline
  4. Cheers looked at it for a couple of weeks on the dvla site and new I had to have it .going to get some tiny lettering and create GA5 my 3SOZ
  5. See your still looking over my shoulder paul
  6. Reading between the lines are you going to sell crafty way of advertising your zed ?
  7. This is my fun car and now iv'e put a plate on it owned it 4 years in April 35000 miles love it tobits
  8. I thought I was until trying to get up from under my 350 after changing oil
  9. You could still make it happen in a different location. Just done 5 nights on the east coast got back today it's all aload of crap I no it's not but it's out of control people don't give a flying f$%^
  10. I got my buying head on and bought a de happy day's
  11. It's funny because a guy on here has just sold his 350 after 15 years and bought a 911 think so let's wait and see what his thoughts are
  12. And this is why it's one of the best forums. Looking over shoulder for shortpaul
  13. That's right you like what you like .c5 corvette loved it but I've had my 350 longer funny world
  14. Do your history on the engine cayman have a very poor engine build so in my eyes do you buy the badge or the quality. This is fun
  15. As with alot of cars the zed is so underrated better than boxster & cayman
  16. Well you don't fix something that's not broken
  17. Would you want to pay higher tax bracket for a DE or is it the lower tax bracket ?
  18. Hi everyone hope all is well just won't to no how many LTRS of oil does a DE 350 hold
  19. What a lot of people don't relate to is a chevy 350 4 bolt mains is in my eyes the best engine in the world. 3 / 5 k for a crate motor in my younger years i spent a bit of time in motor city ( Detroit)
  20. I've owned a few v8s and my c5 Corvette is still the best car I have driven and owned. Petrol was never an issue mileage per gallon. And I think your build is awesome and enjoy.
  21. I think they get a backhander from the window screen folk
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