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Everything posted by pintopete58

  1. I suppose salt air off the sea melts the snow but rots your car . Keep it garage paul
  2. No . and no snow in leicester. Your gunner get it bad on the west side paul Haha
  3. I agree in some ways it's just the salt that does me . And the only reason they put salt down is so they can get the tax from the working man
  4. I think midwest have a red 370 gt 17 plate with 10500 miles and only £ 140 year tax it's just under 20k
  5. Even if it's going through your neighbour's insurance when you come to renew your insurance will be ask if you've made a claim within the last 3 - 5 years weather your fault or not . Hope everything turns out well
  6. I have a 55 plate De and that cost me after being sorn about 28 - 29 £ a month
  7. Has nothing to do with years an accident is an accident will be recorded unless you pay some one to repair
  8. Only way to stop it being a cat n is don't go through your insurance
  9. That sounds so sweet .that is a happy new year to all keep it coming
  10. Sounds two much money .I would want it mint for that money and they can become rust buckets not the best metal
  11. I Own a de 350 and I bought a flat bottomed steering wheel from a guy in Ireland. Bought a cheap part ex off ebay then a HR 350 steering wheel and swapped all buttons over . All 350z steering wheels are the same a part from hr buttons. Sounds like you've not put it back together correctly hope this helps
  12. Psycho that is a beautiful car us old uns like me and shortpaul do appreciate a nice car but do something with that front valence. I no you want keep it to it's originality but you have evidence in photos
  13. Young people will not be able to buy a house pay a pension and buy a 40k electric car will never happen
  14. Also have a guy at work who owns a 13 plate bmw i3 free road tax ALL new one's are £500 because they are over 40k unless bmw have moved the goal posts
  15. Don't panic won't happen. Electric cars are quick but not for very long . BMW i8 fully charged and you rag it 17 miles what good is that Tesla winter is here every thing switch on lights heater radio they will all be waiting in a queue on the motorway to charge up . And we have charging points in the streets cables everywhere trip hazards health @ safety will have field day . And when the green party realise how do we dispose of all these batteries will be like nuclear waste
  16. Depending on how many brews you've had
  17. You couldn't of said it any better bry
  18. Do you still own this van and did you buy it off a guy In leicester
  19. Hi bud 323 / 324 is fine when your measuring do you measure off the 100mm line
  20. One day we will get to have a chat in person KEEP SAFE ALL
  21. Paul your always welcome and to me your always young
  22. Dave you sound like boris just get to the point
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