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Everything posted by pintopete58

  1. You have a very tidy cab there mate
  2. Thanks Martin great day great people & great Weather .it was worth the 4 1/2 hour round trip cheers
  3. You should put them in a drawer and wait
  4. Very few people will get off . People with more money than sense might win first time. 101 mph let us no how he gets on
  5. A ban is 30 mph over any speed limit like 60 in a 30 100 in 70
  6. Big six get kicked out and Leicester winning the league every year happy days 😊
  7. One hell of a car. need to take it drag racing now I'd love to no what the 0 to 60 is
  8. Does help if I put my reg down GA53SOZ
  9. Hi guys can you put me on the list please
  10. Yes if you look at offside rear pictures you can see a slight step from bumper to arch I'm fussy on gaps
  11. A Cat c is the same as cat s this should of had a vic check which doesn't check standard of work but checks numbers match. I think it's coming up for it's first mot
  12. Insurance companies don't ask about it's history all they want to no is have you altered anything
  13. Hi I've been interested in this as well first thing looking at the pictures o/s rear arch is not inline with bumper so damage could be rear end .so I would be looking in the boot area .I've had acouple of cat d & c in the past can be hard to move on but if you get them at the right price . With out going to see it I wouldn't give any more than 15k
  14. When I had my jag valet key would let them in to start and move but no access to glove box and boot
  15. It's like a clock you start at 3 o'clock & rewind to 5 two 3 or 5 past 3
  16. I did say with upmost respect Paul
  17. Being a fellow bench joiner/ carpenter&joiner I can really appreciate how long these jigs can take to make. Being old and decrepit the best I can do is a Mason's mytre on a kitchen worktop .will watch this with upmost respect. Keep it coming
  18. Yes a garage door were the front window is perfect
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