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About wvSTUwv

  • Birthday 27/01/1994


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Z Hopeful

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  1. When I first started I got chemical guys stuff as there’s loads of videos on how to use each product
  2. Received my unit today and fitted it myself. I've never done any sort of install like this before it's pretty straight forward I did have to message stormtrooperz a couple of times when I was unsure of something but he responded pretty quickly and was really helpful.
  3. That’s good, with the original if you have a dvd playing and then start driving the screen turns off. Was just thinking that maybe google maps might turn off or something like that.
  4. I am interested. Does the display turn off when the handbrake is released
  5. Got mine as well. Finally made it on the inside
  6. Oh right. Just a bit excited
  7. I still haven't received a pm on payment details
  8. 1.SuperStu (two) 2.KevT (one) 3. Andy_Muxlow (one) 4. andy James (one) 5. NeeZ (one) 6. wvSTUwv (one)
  9. Incase anyone else needs to know. The locks don't need programming
  10. I am replacing my door handles with 2 new ones in the next couple of days and was wondering, will the lock buttons on the door handles work straight away or will they need to be programmed?
  11. I experimented with plastidip on my rear lights to see if I liked how it looked. didn’t last long but I didn’t prep it very well. 2nd picture is to show that light does still get through
  12. Had a great day at Japfest and even come back with some silverware
  13. If anyone is interested someone from our group has dropped out meaning there is a ticket up for grabs. Message myself or LRF4N if interested
  14. I actually turned up to a recovery job for an uninsured car quite recently in Bolton or Wigan. When I arrived the police on scene said that they were a drone squad
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