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Z Hopeful

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  1. And from us Andy, thank you. Lovely to meet some of you today. Will get some pics up in a bit.
  2. I just checked the forecast again and it’s now showing sunshine most of the day - fingers crossed, just need to wash the car tonight, so it looks like I’ll be that guy who washes the car in the rain like some demented lunatic
  3. Hi Ian, I'm probably heading your way through Shenstone into Stourport, but I don’t know the area that well so if you can suggest somewhere to meet we could meet up
  4. Not so far for me, travelling from Stourbridge if any of you guys are local to that?
  5. So I went ahead with a mate and managed to get the exhaust off myself. Had to grind a stud, knock it through and fit a bolt and nut in its place, but didn't need new flanges - looks like they were feeding me some BS.
  6. Thanks, that's where I found mine too. Just got to hope I get the car sorted in time and back on the road...tick tock.
  7. Thanks mate, might be an idea to get some second hand ones. That guy states in his advert he won’t post though unfortunately. I’m stuck between that now and trusting they will do the flanges correctly, as in get them at the correct angle so as everything else fits nice. Why is it never straight forward?
  8. Hi all, I took the car to an exhaust place to have my new stillen/cobra system fitted, only to be told that the flanges on the cats were so knackered they needed replacing, which they can do as they build custom systems - so had to book it in again. Has anyone else come across this problem? I am of course fully prepared to be bombarded with - just go for hfc’s - but I just haven’t got the funds for that just yet. I’m only having to do the exhaust as they failed it on the mot - was planning on sorting it next year, but needs must. Thanks.
  9. Can someone add me to the list please, paid up x 2. (Can’t do it on my phone for some reason) Cheers.
  10. Just a little update, purchased a rotary tool from Amazon for about £25, and using sanding wheels it is doing the job nicely, taking my time I have done one side with very few problems. It helped to have the flexible attachment, as it gave me more room to work easier. Can't wait to get the other side done and everything back together.
  11. Cool, looks like I need to plan a few nights work at it then. Thanks
  12. Hi all, I am in the process of fitting Eibach lowering springs, I have adjustable camber arms and the toe bolts for the rear which allow more adjustment than stock ones - but they require the holes for the bolts to be elongated. I have removed the spring bucket, but there really isn't a lot of room under there, particularly on the passenger side without taking the exhaust off (which I don't want to do, as the flange connecting the mid section to the back box looks like it is on its last legs). I wondered whether any of you have done this with some kind of flexible drill attachment or even a Dremel type rotary tool with a flexible shaft maybe? Any advice on how you did it would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Just here now at Addisson Tyres, had to have fronts done first, then go home to get rears as couldn’t fit everything in my car in one go. Top recommendation, these guys know what they are doing, are friendly and take care with what they are doing. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks again guys, just need to find a vehicle big enough to transport 4 wheels and 4 tyres - or do 2 runs. I’ll make sure to mention you and the forum mate, cheers
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