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About Flipboy

  • Birthday November 28


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Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Got a 03 350z import , when im going along and go into neutral the revs drop really low and bounce back up or can die. Tried new sparkplugs but no difference ,, was thinking maybe coilpacks ? Anyone had this problem before or know what could cause it ?? Thanks.
  2. Any chance of this happening before friday ??
  3. Kinetix plenum vs. Plenum spacer on oem plenum ?? Not sure which to buy ??
  4. Yess i have the remote wire link ,, ill have a look for the stock amp wire thanks.
  5. Pioneer fh-x730bt hu ,, It powers up & everthing but hearing nothing from speakers ,, any ideas ??
  6. Found this wire under my center consol,, not a clue what it is. Anyideas anyone ????
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