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Everything posted by Bunning

  1. Just as a heads up guys you have to be in before 9am or they won't let you on the club stand: CLUB ENTRY: From 07:00DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY. YOU WILL NOT BE GRANTED ENTRY BEFORE 07:00.Vehicles must be parked on club stands by 09:00. Any club cars who arrive after 09:00 WILL NOT be allowed inside the show and will have to park in the Public Car Park.
  2. Looking forward to seeing it at Japfest Andy! I agree with Headphones, lovely colour!
  3. If anyone is interested in any of these bits I can bring to Japfest, everything still available apart from carbon mirror covers. I also have a set of Standard 370z alloys with tyres and TPMS sensors that I’m considering selling and a standard spoiler in Le Mans blue
  4. It's back and painted then Andy! Will be good to see it!
  5. Thanks for organising again Paul, it deffo helps those who haven't attended with the club before! 1. Paul K - K50PTK 350z roadster, Black with Purple wheels!! 2. Bunning - B11 NBJ 370z - LeMans Blue
  6. @RDON Not sure if you've sorted this yet but i'd be inclined to get your battery health checked first it's more likely to be that not charging/holding charge properly
  7. 1. andy james Paid 2. Zelda Paid (11:20 track) 3. George 1966 Paid 4. Andy_Muxlow Paid 5. Buster- paid 6. nismoandy -paid 7. SamTripp52 8. DAZ8235 - Paid 9. JonLonghorne99 - Paid 10. SuiSid - Paid 11. LAB99 - Paid 12. Millicano - Paid 13.Sebastian PAID (Track 10:20, 12:20, 14:20) 14. SHEZZA - Paid 15. MicktZZZ - Paid (just once on track at 12:20) 16. Monkey1983 - Paid 17. DrMurderDeath - Paid 18. SH23 - Paid 19. Azurez33 & +1 - Paid 20. Harrm +1 paid 21. Marcos +1 paid 22. Paul_K Paid 23. TommZ +1 Paid 24. StormtrooperZ +1 Paid 25. tauvp Paid 26.Nathaniels350z +1-paid - Track 14:40 27. Whiskeymedicine +1- Paid - Track 12:20 28. Jonnymonno +1 - Paid 29. Patrick John - Paid 30. Stoker11 + 1 - Paid 31. Chris141084 - Paid 32. Humpy - Paid 33. harvers - Paid 34. Buptaboy - Paid 35. jayb_370z+1 - Paid 36. V1H - Paid 37. Roamy - Paid 38. HD350Z +1 - Paid 39. RDON - Paid 40. Bunning +1 - Paid
  8. I had an issue with UpRev on my car (370Z). It had been tuned with UpRev before i bought it and i experienced random loss of power (no fault codes at all anywhere) which would disappear after stopping and restarting the car. I took mine to Abbey who suggested it may be down to the UpRev map as they had experienced it in the past (rarely - but normally on different maps) anyway I bit the bullet and got mine wiped and retuned with EcuTek. I haven't had any issues since and I now have adjustable traction control and the EcuTek bluetooth dongle to boot! I don't think it is a common issue, but it does happen. @jedethridge I would definitely recommend trying Abbey Motorsport.
  9. All fitted courtesy of Abbey motorsport.
  10. Haven’t seen any for ages then two turn up at C&M today whilst I’m there! A black 370Z Nismo and a Le Mans blue 370Z convertible.
  11. Just an update on this. I ended up ordering the Battle Aero spoiler but from another US supplier (Drift Dialects) as they only charged $150 shipping. I even got a free (massive) battle aero sticker! Just gotta get it sprayed and fitted now!!
  12. @Loadmaster what did you get out of the tune at Abbey in the end, the HFCs made a massive difference on mine!
  13. Hi All, I'm having a little clearout of my loft/garage and want to sell off some parts I can't see me using again (all from 61 plate 370Z GT) as follows: 1. Standard 370Z Air intake tubes, Removed by myself in November 2020 as i upgraded to ISR Post MAF pipes, no jubilee clips included (not sure what happened to them) Price - £20 (including postage) 2. Standard 370Z Cats These were removed from my car by Abbey Motorsport in November 2020 as i upgraded to Cobra HFCs (mileage on the car was just under 34k at the time) They have been sat in the loft ever since having been shrink wrapped by Abbey after removal. The heat shields were a little rusty (as is to be expected ) but CATs were fine. They include the gaskets etc that Abbey removed, but i would suggest new ones to be honest. I didn't want to fully unwrap them but if anyone is seriously interested and wants more pictures i'm happy to do so. I've seen these going on ebay for around £700 - 800 a pair (or up to £600 individually) Price - £550 for the pair (Collection Only) 3. Standard 370Z GT Rear ARB This was removed from my car by Abbey Motorsport in June 2021 as i upgraded to a whiteline adjustable one. No problem just wanted to upgrade, mileage was at 38.5k at the time. Price - £25 (Collection Only) 4. Carbon fibre wing mirror covers. I bought these earlier this year direct from China to go with some other EVO-R carbon bits i'd bought domestically. Full disclosure on these is that the drivers side cover is slightly off underneath it looks like a small portion of the corner is missing, i have shown this in the photos, to be honest it doesn't actually notice unless you look for it and if the car has dark (black/grey) mirrors you wouldn't notice it at all, however i wasn't happy with it and the supplier has not been very helpful in resolving this. Passenger side one appears fine and I'm just looking to recover some of what I paid. Price - £50 (including postage and new roll of double sided tape) If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me. I'm based in Kent (just off of Junction 3 of the M25) I am happy to meet at a reasonable distance (especially for the CATs) by arrangement. Thanks, B
  14. Yep Le Mans Blue.... pretty rare colour apparently but I ended up with it by chance after a black one I was buying fell through. I wasn't keen on the colour to start with but it was such a clean and low mileage car I couldn't let it go! It used to be owned by another forum member @cmp999 but had another (unknown) owner between me and him. Thanks for the comments 😃
  15. @Loadmaster Here ya go, if you want any specific pics I'm happy to take some, for info my car is running standard suspension (GT model obviously) I opted for these wheels as they are ever so slightly more aggressive than the Nismo rims (in poke) and they fit without spacers albeit tight on the front (see pic above) I have absolutely no rubbing scrubbing etc.
  16. Sorry to thread hijack.... but @Adrian@TORQEN or @Coz@TORQEN when are your EVO-R carbon door handle covers landing, I'm seriously interested in a set. I've got a set of Autotechnik b-pillar covers on order with you at the moment, is the EVO-R/Autotechnik weave similar or would they look out of place? Thanks, B
  17. @msitpro I just got my email from Brands Hatch and the link given (Go Japan 2021 – Show Instructions – Go Japan!) says it's entry @7:30 via the show entrance not main gate. IIRC this entrance is at the rear of the track (Airfield Gate) accessed from Scratchers Lane it's not far from the Paddock Gate. I would imagine they'll have signs out on the local roads anyway, they normally do.
  18. I’m after a ducktail spoiler for my 370 and have looked at various options, I’m particularly looking for one that will bolt on using original holes etc. as most seem hollow underneath. Battle Aero in the US do one that looks good and appears good quality, it is only $350 but they have quoted a ridiculous amount for shipping ($560 on top of the spoiler cost). I’ve asked if they can do anything about the shipping or if they have a UK distributor but they haven’t responded since ☹️ Any alternatives or help appreciated B
  19. Sorry double post see other post!
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