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About Gradders

  • Birthday 04/11/1972


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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Had a good time and was good to meet with everyone - sorry i had to shoot off early, would have loved to have stuck around longer. Better preparation next time :-) Thanks and look forwward to the next one.
  2. i'm in - looking forward to my first ever meet! -Scott -Dunks -Steve -GnarlyDingo -Dal -flyn -Paul K -Slydog -Gradders
  3. Thanks everyone I'll look out for the Bluewater meets for now! Cheers....
  4. Hi there, i'm new to this group and would love to get involved in a meet up. Is there anyone in the Essex area and do any Essex meets take place over the summer? Thanks Gradders -
  5. Not to worry - seen the rest of your post - thanks :-)
  6. Hi there, what alloys are these and where did you get them?
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