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Everything posted by 4K1R4-350Z

  1. Anyone tried to DIY a new slave on a HR? Or is that a stupid question?? 🤔 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  2. Damn.. Running a HR makes this a pita right? =( Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  3. So.. saw some sun out of the window and went for a lively run this morning before the monsoon hit!.., got her nicely warmed up and topped up with V-Power. All started well when I started to notice a burning smell under heavy acceleration.. I've experienced This before (usually when running low on fuel, no idea if that has anything to do with it) but in this instance it was then followed by a few frequent and very bad slips of the clutch which engulfed my cabin with an extremely strong burning smell and in turn left my clutch pedal stuck to the floor... =( I lifted the pedal the first 2 times and in the 3rd called it a day and managed to get her home, definitely not feeling herself and I felt like a loss of power.. it scared s$!7 out of me! I noticed a small slip a couple days ago and put it down to my own error but should it really jump straight to this?? I did read a few posts about related issues but there's so any opinions that I figured I'd give my story and see if anyone can give any insight.. Let me know your thoughts, and again apologies if this has been covered a thousand times before.. Thankz Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. Hey guys! So my beloved HR is slipping on me.. 83k on the clock and I believe it's still running the factory clutch as I can't find anything in the service history/receipts to say otherwise.. so I guess it's about time anyway! Looking at a CCS3 as I may be looking down the F/I route in near future. Do any of you run this clutch with stock power or otherwise and if so I would really appreciate your feedback?! I prefer a heavy feel and quick engagement, noise doesn't bother me much either.. just want to know if it's actually any good or not really.. found one on Larkspeed for £381 Which seems like a bit of a steal or is there a reason for this low price?! Any input much appreciate as always guys! Thanks!! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. Awesome thanks guys! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks KUGT4 I'll head over to my local tomorrow and see what's what, hopefully with some good results! Please excuse my ignorance with this question.. but what exactly is scrubbing? Is it just another term for general wear or a more exact description/type of damage to the Tyre? A Google search proved inefficient in giving a straight answer!! Thanks! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  7. Hey guys! So.... had my MOT done this week, she passed! =) But... advisory "both front tyres badly scrubbed on edges"... Now I swear to god I am not driving like an idiot and although I do live in roundabout city AKA Milton Keynes, this is actually my first car and I want to look after her!... no adjustments have been made to camber or suspension it's all stock and standard.. Any ideas why guys? Thanks guys!
  8. Thanks Andy! Hahaha Paul you are the man!! I'll be sure to post pics once I'm done! Thanks again!
  9. Thanks for the info guys! @paul k. How much do they charge on average for vinyl lids? I can't imagine it would be bank breaking since it's such a small amount of work (for a pro!) And so little material being used.. @killer66 - they look awesome man nice job!! Can you go a bit more into detail on how and what materials you used?? I fear paint matching for my colour may be difficult.. but then to be honest i have no experience and I really wouldn't know how hard it is to get noticeably close to the factory spray.. Thanks again guys!
  10. Hey z friends! I'm new to this forum and have just bought my first Z, a beautiful midnight/San Marino blue 2008 HR and I'm looking for some brows/lids pre-painted but am having nooooo luck whatsoever Anyone know of a good source for these (of which colour match is as good as possible!) Need your help resident Z-meisters! Thanks a bunch!
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