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Everything posted by 4K1R4-350Z

  1. Finally stopped dripping.. Note the axle stand shaped hole...
  2. Hey guys... So.. trying to get those blasted y pipe/mid pipe bolts off didn't only waste 3 hours of my time but a lot more than I was expecting.. Had her up on axle stands, needed a bit more room underneath so tried to Jack her up enough to go a pin higher on the stands and the Jack has buckled, car has fallen sideways leaving the axle stand trying to hold the car up from the INSIDE of the petrol tank.. So as currently I'm watching approx 40 litres of petty flow from my car at a ridiculous rate I thought I'd see if anyone knows anyone who has a tank for sale?? Or if it's possible to repair them?? All I wanted was to make my exhaust a lil bit louder.. shoulda know it wouldn't have been as easy as I thought!! Thanks in advance guys!
  3. RE1 has been remastered on PS4 Finished the RE1 remaster on ps4 about a month ago, STILL one of the best games ever made!! Roll on the RE2 REMAKE think its coming later this year/early 2018.. 350ZOMBIES!!! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk Im on my 4th play through Building up to a speed run.... 38:31 to beat!! (Not mine!!!!) Good luck mate!! 🤘 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  4. RE1 has been remastered on PS4 Finished the RE1 remaster on ps4 about a month ago, STILL one of the best games ever made!! Roll on the RE2 REMAKE think its coming later this year/early 2018.. 350ZOMBIES!!! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  5. Love this..! "So far I've learned to keep traction control on and not give it the full beans exiting a corner!" Welcome and enjoy buddy! Very pretty Red you got there! 😉 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  6. I'm running an S7, have been since release and I love it. Does everything I need and then some, battery life is still good for a full days use (used for work a lot), is still rapid and mulitasks well, screen is awesome and sound isn't bad either.. My friend just got an S8 and sure it looks the business, like proper cool.. and as mentioned the camera/screen are slightly better but overall I can't see myself upgrading just yet.. not with the tags on them right now that's for sure! New tires all the way Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks for the advice guys! Erni902 that'd be awesome I may have to take you up on that! Hayd350 I have CC yea, would the map selections cancel out the CC controls then?? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks Coldel, I'm running a HR so how do I know if it's revving higher.. I mean it revs to redline @ 7500rpm quite readily (& often as the noise is sooooo addictive!! 😉).. Can you elaborate? I didn't know you could hunt down mapping histories so thanks for this I may just do a little digging! Much appreciated!
  9. Guys/Gals, maybe a silly noob question but; if you don't ask right..? 😊 Is there anyway to know/find out if your car has been remapped by a previous owner? Just curious and couldn't find a post relating on google... just pro/con etc to remaps.. As always, your knowledge/experience is very much appreciated! Y'all the best! 🤘 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  10. Fitted mine a week or so ago, have definitely settled since, its a nice little drop if you cant afford/just don't want or need to go straight down the coilovers route.. and I dunno if it's just me but I feel it's totally transformed the handling! Maybe the previous owner (since I've only had her a month) had it setup for a drop and just put the factory springs back on for sale; but the understeer I was experiencing previously hitting a sharp turn with gusto has halfed at the very least..same to be said for body roll, car definitely rides flatter, firmer and generally feels more planted! Couple shots for you of before/after (can't embed from my phone as far as I know but I'm sure you'll see which is which!) Ps. Losing the wheels soon they're not exactly to my taste!!)
  11. Yo! So I was feeling lazy last night and took my ZED for a wash an the local Roni's. However I had forgotten that I'd taken my divider down to fit some s@$! in last night and I'm 99% sure all my fixing went up their giant 'oover!! Anyone know where I can source a new set.. the whole lot.. can't find a thing in there!! Must remember to affix them back to the divider next time upon removal!! Cheers guys! 🖒
  12. Hey MDMetal! I think on this occasion it was OliverB. Purely as I checked out your build posts and your rear bumper looks like the one I saw.. I remember thinking "I want one"! 😎 I've given & received a few waves to Zeds since I got mine a month ago, it's nice to see people with a common interest and making the effort to show it not only here but offline as well 😉
  13. Welcome buddy 🖒 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  14. Passed a beautiful red kitted Z last night on way home from picking up the missus. Gave us a wave which was super cool!! I may be new to it but I'm properly loving the Zed community so far!! Please excuse newbie enthusiasm!! Love it!
  15. Ah ok thanks Zee, I guess I better get this clutch/fly kit ordered.. stinger for the credit card! 😓 Cheers! 🖒 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  16. Need your experience guys! Some of you may have seen my previous post couple weeks ago my about my clutch slipping and wanting to get a new clutch/fly & possibly slave fitted. I have not done this... yet! =/ Now, today I started getting some rather harsh vibration through my clutch pedal, particularly When it's almost fully depressed and just beginning travelling up.. most noticeable when pulling away, seems to stop when driving at speed and isn't noticeable during changes at speed. Can anyone put their finger on it? Had it before? Or should I just go straight to the clutch/fly rebuild and swap slave and master at the same time (since it's a HR and slave is awkward as $@%# so worth doing at the same time I hear!) Thanks in advance guys!! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  17. £10 for a pair Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  18. Picked up a pair of the 2 tonne on Sunday to fit some Teins, quality is good and the car didn't land on me.. can't say fairer than that for a tenner!
  19. Haha I know right! Was trying to make it stand out - not disappear!! 😉
  20. Tried out some G3 Super High Gloss Paste Wax.. gotta say.. pretty impressed with the result! 👌 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  21. Hahaha people these days.. crippling Germans with death grips and not educating their pets..! What's next..? Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  22. When you stop to let someone out and it's just there.. like it was made for it.. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
  23. Anyone got any experience with one of these? I like the idea of the external slave for future fixes if needed.. at give or take 400 bucks seems like not too bad a deal.. seen at Z1.. https://www.z1motorsports.com/z1-products/z1-motorsports/z1-clutch-concentric-slave-cylinder-csc-elimination-kit-p-7340.html Let me know your thoughts & experiences!
  24. Marino/Twilight/Midnight.. err.. Dark Blue!!!
  25. Thanks for the advice guys much appreciated, yea I was thinking about doing clutch/fly at the same time & since im in no way a mechanic ; taking her half apart is a little scary so don't wanna be doing it twice!, although it doesn't sound too bad broken down so think I may give this a go next weekend..! Thanks again guys! I'll let ya'll know how it goes! 😉 Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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