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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. 1) SUPRAWOOIE - Camping - PAID 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping - PAID 3) Apoc124 - Camping - PAID 4) joshallen1993 - Camping - PAID 5) OliverB - Camping - PAID 6) MattRwebB - Not Camping - PAID 7) Matt89 - Not Camping - PAID 8) Shaun350z - Not Camping - PAID 9) Lemans Phil - Camping - PAID 10) Battlezed - Not Camping - PAID 11) MarkSt - Not Camping - PAID 12) Kbad - Not Camping - PAID 13) Twinturboz- Camping-Paid 14) Secretstar07979 - Not Camping 15) Shire - Not Camping 16) rlakey1 - Not Camping - PAID 17) Bam350z - Not Camping PAID 18) Rich260- Camping 19) Zed348 - Camping 20) retro_al - Camping - PAID
  2. my 1st time on the stand with you guys was an amazing day, i enjoyed talking to everyone who came over and that I got talking too, I will try to keep my bumper on next time and have to looking cleaner under the bonnet, here's to the next one guys
  3. Can't wait for this. My 1st car show with my zed and get to spend it with loads of people that are zed fans can't wait.
  4. I'm traveling down to japfest early Sunday morning is anyone meeting before head to it? I'm coming down from northwest jct 40 of the m6. My 1st time going so a complete novice at this lol
  5. A 13.00 would be good for me as I'm driving about 4.30 hours to get there lol
  6. Meeting at tesco sound good to me ðŸ‘🼠no one like bottoming out👎🼠What sort of time would we meet up?
  7. Where would you like to meet? I'm traveling for up north
  8. 1) SUPRAWOOKIE - Camping 2) Andy_Muxlow - Camping 3) Dicaprio - NOT Camping 4) Apoc124 - Camping 5) Rich260- Camping 6) MattRwebB - NOT camping 7) Bradders - Only down for the Saturday 8) kbad only down for the Saturday 9) joshallen1993 - Camping 10) MarkSt - NOT Camping 11) OliverB - Camping 12) Matt89 - Not camping 13) getshawty - Not camping 14) reeceybeaney - Camping 15) Battlezed - Not Camping 16)Twinturboz- camping, show sunday
  9. But me down ðŸ‘🼠I will be there for the weekend but will come to the stand on the Sunday
  10. I would happy build some motors for people if why where wanting it doing best place to contact me direct is Instagram- 350z.simon
  11. I did the build myself, I'm a mechanic í ½í±í ¼í¿¼ took 3months of building as I wanted everything done perfect and right.
  12. 1.Andy James +1 PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass,Tracktime 2.Buster +1 PAID 2 tickets,1 stand pass. 3. Keyser +1 Paid 2 tickets 1 stand pass 4. Valy - PAID 5. Evilscorp - PAID 6. teejay + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 stand pass 7. Andy_Muxlow (PAID 2 Entry and 1 Club stand pass) 8. STYLZ+1 (PAID 2 Entry and 1 Club Stand pass) 9. Paul K + 1 (PAID 2 entry and 1 club stand pass) 10. Rob350 + 1 PAID 2 tickets, 1 show pass, track time (12:40) 11. Roasty + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 club stand pass 12. Humpy - paid 13. Tomb +1 - PAID 2x entry 1 show pass + track time 14. Chippychip123 +1 PAID 2 tickets 1 stand pass 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 (2 Entry & 1 Stand Pass) 17. Irn Bru +1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 18. Kbad + 1 (PAID 1 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1 (PAID - 2 passes plus stand pass) 21. 14N - PAID (Free t-shirt too ). 22. Gizmo + 1 23. Nso93 (paid 1 ticket and 1pass) 24. MattRwebB +1 (2 tickets and 1 pass PAID) 25. jdm2003 +1 26. SHEZZA PAID 1 ticket, 1 stand pass 27. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 - PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass 28. OliverB PAID, 1 stand pass 29. nick2016 30. Panman +1 PAID 2 TICKETS + STAND 31. Rshep1 +1 PAID 2 tickets and 1 stand pass 32.Niknik350 33. Queenie +1 PAID 34. MarkSt - PAID 35. Bob94 +1 PAID: 2 tickets and stand pass 36. nismoandy - paid , 1 stand pass 37. glrnet PAID STAND PASS 38. Amyzed +1 PAID STAND PASS 39. Bigjimg + 1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 40. Reeceybeaney + 1 2 camping tickets, 1 stand pass 41. Spatt + 1 (waiting for engine to be rebuilt) 42. Modo (Mike Oliver) +1 Paid stand pass Travelling from Leicester on the day. 43. Willow990 (simon wilson) +1, show pass, tracktime (PAID) 44. Mr P + 1, stand pass, track time. Paid 45. Billy-jo +1 46. DrMurderDeath +1, (Chris Jones) 2 tickets & 1 Club Stand pass 47. Apoc124 - Paid, & Stand pass 48. LewisH - PAID 49. RoxZ - Paid 50. GracieB +1 Paid 51. Getshawty 2 tickets & 1 stand pass = PAID 52.Bam350z x2 camping + stand pass 53. Jez @ H-dev - 4 tickets + stand pass 54. JoKeR - PAID 2 tickets + stand pass 55. 350wen +1 & stand pass = Paid 56. davey_83 (PAID 2 tickets + stand pass) 57. Low IQ - 2 tickets + stand pass = PAID 58.Aus10 1x ticket 1x club pass. Paid 59. Stephanie + 1 (2 Tickets, 1 Stand pass PAID) 60. WINKJ 1 ticket + 1 stand pass PAID 61. jk-boi (1x club stand pass) PAID 62. Coops 1958 PAID 63. Bond +1 64.Thanos+1 +club vehicle pass PAID 65. Beb (Paid 2 tickets, stand pass, track time B+Fn 66. Rickdon- PAID + stand pass 67. ROK46 - 2 tickets 1 stand pass PAID 68. G1en - 2 tickets 1 stand pass PAID 69. AbiiPow - 2 tickets + 1 stand pass PAID 70. Flashback + 1 - need to sort out tickets and stand pass still. 71. Ashsmales - 2 tickets, 1 stand pass PAID 72. 350ztt - 2 tickets, 1stand pass. PAID 73. Battlezed - 1 stand pass PAID 74. Fire_eyes - 2 tickets, 1 stand pass PAID 75.twinturboz- 2 tickets, 1 stand pass
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