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    South Wales

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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Here she is: 3 weeks of ownership and I love it Next to a yummy old Porsche
  2. Was going to ask if anyone found a solution for this. I just got a Pixel XL which connects then d/cs and doesn't pair. The seller's iPhone worked fine. Done some research into the Android side and Nougat 7.1.2 (currently 7.1.1) is released in April fixing "some known Bluetooth issues" - hopefully this will be one of them.
  3. Thinking of getting one, where do the clips latch on to..?
  4. Welcome. Where in Devon are you from?
  5. Also interested in attending a South Wales / Black Mountain meet to see what people do with their Z's (from Newport)
  6. I have got it to work, I needed to download an app to force the audio to play from the headphone jack. From what I was reading, it wasn't detecting the aux cable due to the impedance levels (?). Not sure why the iPhone didn't have this problem.
  7. Hi, just bought an '06 Zed and the previous owner has installed the Aux cable via the Tape in input. He showed me this working on his iPhone, but I have tried 3 Android devices running from Android 5.1 up to 7.1 and none of them detect the Aux cable to provide output. Has anyone had this problem or have any solutions? Would really help as the CD player is buggered
  8. Just a post to say hi from Newport, I'm currently looking to upgrade my RWD 2 seater experience to something a little more sophisticated! This has been my source of vehicular fun for the last few years: http://imgur.com/a/Mw7No (won't let me imbed image) I've settled on a 350Z for my next car, and I'm looking forward to seeings some and owning my first one
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