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Everything posted by lct

  1. lct

    Clutch problem

    You're a real gem, man.
  2. lct

    Clutch problem

    Excellent. CMS isn't the most user friendly, but I managed to place an order. Hope you're getting a cut of it In my order history both the slave and the hose are showing as 2003-2005 despite having specified and ordered for 2005-2006. Is it because they take the same part?
  3. lct

    Clutch problem

    Also where's the best place to order the slave and hose from? And do I get oem slave or is there a better aftermarket one?
  4. lct

    Clutch problem

    Alright nice one, can I fudge anything by putting it off for a couple of weeks?
  5. lct

    Clutch problem

    Cheers, can I cause any damage driving as is? I've ordered the fluid and booked it in for just that Wednesday. Need my car pretty much every day for 2 weeks after that for work. So if I order the slave and hose as well it won't come in time and I'll need to put the whole job off. He said around an hours labour for the bleed/fluid change - how much extra time is the slave/hose replacement likely to add to that?
  6. lct

    Clutch problem

    Hi, the other day after a bit of, erm, less than gentle driving there was a funny smell coming from my Z which at i dismissed as the brakes being a bit warm and thought nothing of it. Anyway yesterday I'm driving my car for the first time since and after about 20 mins the clutch has lost some resistance and isn't fully springing back up, it was coming about half way up then I was having to bring it back up by sticking my foot underneath. Once it cooled down it felt and behaved normally again. I've done a lot of searching on this and I've read a lot about the slave cylinder going and upgrading the hose and it's a bit confusing because I gather cooked clutch fluid and the slave cylinder going give off similar symptoms. I drive it again today and once warm the pedal started to lose resistance and feel light a little bit for the first half of the press or something. Is it likely that given the smell after hard driving that I've cooked the fluid and that a simple drain and change/upgrade to Motul 660 will sort things out? I know some might say to just do the cylinder anyway but I'm not all that equipped to do this myself so would prefer to not take on extra costs if it's likely to be bad fluid. I've checked and the levels are fine but it's black in colour. Don't know if normal? Any advice appreciated, cheers.
  7. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    All good now, it's definitely fixed I've decided. I'm practically a mechanic now.
  8. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    Had the MAF off today to clean it and there was a bit of dead leaf wrapped around the wire inside! Must have got through when they changed the air filter during service. Cleaned it and the car is running loads better! Reset the EML so hopefully that's that. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
  9. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    Cheers alex. I plugged the car into my mate's laptop today and only the p0174 code has returned, not the other one. Will this help narrow it down or does it just open up more possibilities ha. Also when running the diagnostics the o2 sensor checks weren't completing? I've attached an image. Is this normal or could it be related to the fault code?
  10. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    Will I do any harm driving the car in the meantime whilst I try to get to the bottom of this? Really don't like driving with an EML on!
  11. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    So I had them reset and they've come back on. The garage that does it is already being a bit cagey/defensive as well which makes me suspect something all the more.
  12. lct

    P0171 and P0174

    Thanks, I've cleared them so will see if they return. Kind of expecting them to, can't seem to find anybody from my searching that has cleared them for them to not return but fingers crossed. I'm suspicious of the garage that serviced it mind, seems odd for this to happen right after service and when I turned up to pick the car up there was what appeared to be an apprentice of some description struggling on with changing spark plugs. Wonder if he's caught a hose or something
  13. Hello all. Had my 06 Z in for a service and MOT on Friday. MOT threw up an exhaust leak due to snap between mid pip and backbox, which I had repaired by a separate garage. All fine for a couple of days but haven't been far. Got back from work today and an engine management light came on, car appears to be driving normal. Took it to the garage that serviced it and the codes on the EML were P0171 (Fuel Injection System Too Lean Bank 1) and P0174 (same but bank 2). Probably to cover his own arse he reckons the garage that sorted the exhaust will have caught a sensor when they had the exhaust off and he reset the code. I got home and searched around about the codes and am concerned that it's unlikely that they've caught a sensor because for it to throw up both codes they'd have to have caught two separate sensors, right? Annoying because I could do without the expense of investigating this right now. Is his claim credible or should I expect the EML to return? Is there anything during the service that they might have messed up on that could cause this?
  14. Hi all, I've had my 56 model since December and put 2k miles on it since then, it was serviced before I bought it but I don't have the foggiest what oil they've put in it so I'm a little stuck as to what to top up with. If I buy some decent 5w30 can topping up a different grade cause any damage?
  15. Ahhh I need to do this. Mine aren't silver like yours they're dark grey/black, don't know where to start with what to buy. All of the guides I seem to find recommend some paint that's only sold in the USA! If anybody wants to point me in the right direction
  16. Thanks, I've had the car since December and never noticed it happen until yesterday. But then i don't often drop a gear and start driving hard. I'll try it with the esp off tonight, if i don't update you I've probably killed myself
  17. Thanks for the replies! Perhaps it's that and I'm being paranoid, I'm going to take it out again after work tonight and investigate further. Only happens when dropping a gear and putting your foot down, feels like a stutter for a split second then it regains it's composure and goes. I didn't notice an ESP light flashing or anything though? I'm using Momentum 99 from Tesco at the minute
  18. Hi all, new here to please be kind!. I've been searching all over the web for this but oddly can't find anything! I noticed today that when I drop a gear and give it some the revs were dropping ever so slightly and there was a slight hesitation for around a second before taking off. I don't know if I've described this very well but I'm worried it might be a clutch issue? The internet seems to think if it was slipping the revs would rise - not this momentary very slight drop that I'm experiencing so I'm stumped. Oh and is there any Nissan specialists here in the North East? Apart from dealers Google doesn't throw much up for that either! Thanks in advance!
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