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  1. Idlehands87

    350z Exhaust

    I will send you a pm.
  2. Im interested, is it still for sale? Also is there any movement on price as buying midpipe separately seems to be almost the same cost as buying both from new.
  3. i would hold out on buying new bearings untill you have your crankshaft reground, there is a required clearance between the bearings and journals, also possibly cheaper to buy 2nd hand. I did spot an ebay company a few months ago who collect and also supply the required bearings. i'm in noway affilliated with the company, i was looking into rebuilding an engine alittle while ago. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CRANKSHAFT-GRINDING-NISSAN-300C-300ZX-350Z-MAXIMA-NAVARA-3-0-3-5-V6-ALL-YEARS-/161920955252?hash=item25b33db374:g:diQAAOSwZjJU8DOd
  4. Why did that mr2 driver leave the windows up when he pulled over panicking? Serious question but does monoxide poisioning mong you out and so you ignore all bad signs?
  5. Haha yeah, bit too close for comfort. My thoughts go out to you, for living close to cannock.
  6. Unfortunately was waiting on a sale for the funds that didn't happen. I wish I robbed some of my wedding fund, I missed out big style.
  7. Hey, Currently looking for a damaged 350z to rebuild, preferably engine but anything will go. If you have one going, get in touch. Cheers Cheers
  8. Perfect car at the wrong time. My rx8 didn't sell to a colleague. So my project pot is short. Good luck with the sale. If only it was a month later ='(.
  9. Yes expect a thread in near future from myself. It will also help give me a a bit of a push.
  10. You commute in your 350z down along the power station Road? I have spotted a 350z a couple of times down there.
  11. Yeah I know the place a bit. A short drive from me.
  12. Armitage outside of rugeley. And thanks for the warm welcome.
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