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Everything posted by Nutter244

  1. That's ok, like I say just trying to help out someone that could be in need. Trust me I have been in the position where I have needed a part for an American car quickly but had to wait for it to be imported. I now own a Viper GTS, which is a car I also wanted from first sight as a teenager.
  2. Hello, I will be completely honest I don't own a 350Z I did however own a Murano and had the Ticking fuel damper issue. I ordered both regulators from the states to replace on my Murano, but then ended up trading it in. I have gone to throw them out a few times, then remembered they fit the 350z and I know how annoying it can be when a part goes on your unique vehicle and you have to import it because Nissan UK want your legs and arms as payment. So that's my story for joining, if my reason for joining is not acceptable please tell me and I shall be off. I am just trying to help someone.
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