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  1. Your correct i didn't have to deal with EH. Just the mark up on z and mark up on audi. Win. win. And to be fair i did have my head turned by the A7 at the time. I've been looking at the A7s for a while. ive got the 3ltr bitdi. (Will try to post some pics). Decent motor but not the same as my beloved Z. The grass ain't greener. Anyone fancy a swap. Lol
  2. So wish i had sold private . Unfortunately my head was turned by the A7. Its true what they say about grass being greener.
  3. Trust me my z was detailed to within an inch of its life. Never seen rain. i get it that the dealer has to make a bit of profit. Bullsh1t quote from dealer. Went along the lines " our cars are priced so low so as there is no margin for haggling". He originally offered me £13000. To which you can guess the reply. So sorry I got rid. Morale of the story is. Stick with the small indie. More honest and generally more knowledgeable than the big boys who only see margins
  4. For the record im a petrochemical engineer. And certainly dont work for free. The dealer in question isn't a small independent selling one or two motors per week either. And my Z was in better showroom condition than the car i bought. The dealer would need to spend a big fat zero preping my Z. Just saying.
  5. Im defo in the wrong game.
  6. Some good points well made. My point is this. Garage making 2k profit on my px and probably 2k profit on the one im buying. As i said i understand the dealer has overheads and has to make a few quid but 4k profit on 35k deal a bit much imo.
  7. Just seen my Z advertised for £15500 . Feel like ive been Dry bummed. WARNING TO All. Give evans halshaw Blackburn a very wide berth
  8. My beloved 370z has to go. Trading in against audi A7. Road tax. Mpg the z can't compete . Truly gutted to see her go for £13500 as a trade in.
  9. Got my baby back today. No more astray courtesy car. Yippee!!! Apparently it was the key reader on the steering column. Many thanks for the replies
  10. Many thanks everyone. Still waiting to hear from the garage. 1 week still no sign of my baby coming home. Will post the prognosis.
  11. I filled with fuel paid got back in car. Car dead. Door locks are working but dash says no key. Tried using 2nd key but got same result. Anyone got any suggestions.
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