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  1. Was probably me again, you gave a big wave out the window, heading towards the column?
  2. Was it you I passed on Sat by the Welsh bridge just after the carnival?
  3. Haha cheers. I only saw you ahead and I wasn't sure if I'd passed you or not. Could hear you above all the traffic. What exhaust are you running?
  4. That was me Clocked you ahead. My other half had mentioned she'd spotted another silver zed in town so I've been on the look out!
  5. Ha - I've actually found a thread here: http://my350z.com/fo...-it-normal.html with an identical noise. The consensus is that it's a normal transmission sound, particularly when cold.
  6. Hey all - recently joined the club. Bought a 2007 350z about a month ago. It's done just over 26,000 miles and seems to be in great condition. However, in the last couple of weeks I've noticed an engine whine when the car is idling in neutral. The sound disappears when the clutch is depressed. The sound seems to be getting louder as the weeks have gone on. Heres: It seems to change pitch with the engine RPMs. I'm assuming this is a worn input shaft bearing? Any insight would be great - cheers!
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