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Everything posted by Andy-NBR

  1. Yeah no worries, should have got in there sooner
  2. Posted please, down in Bournemouth so bit of a trek
  3. I'll take the diffuser unless someone else has claimed it.
  4. It's up for sale at the moment, just got to find the right kind of insane person to buy it
  5. Hi everyone! I'm a new member into the world of 350zs although spent enough time to and from jap shows in them; I blame mattross1313 for getting me hooked. I was getting fed up of the costs of having 2 cars (a daily few hundred quid banger and an RX7 for the weekends), so figured selling both and buying something nice to drive every day was the way to go. After a lot of thinking, the only thing that really ticked all the boxes was a 350z. Settled on this one, a 2004 with 90k on the clock and a few of the goodies which sold it to me. It's pretty clean, but has some minor minor rust on the back arches but will be getting this sorted ASAP to stop it getting worse! Not really sure what the plans are yet, but some nice wheels and subtle external mods are definitely on the cards. Andy
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