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About RoxZ

  • Birthday November 13


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Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. 1. Nso93-paid 2. Olly350z + another + R33 skyline 3. 350_Jer 4. AbiiPow 5. Humpy 6. ShortPaul 7. George1966 8. Grumpyoldjanner 9. JJ370z 10. Andy James- Paid club pass + Track time 10.30,14.00. 11. Shezza 12.Sparksey 13. Cloud1440 14. Huw (zclub) 15. Farmer42 (zclub) 16. LewisH 17. Veilside Z 18. Simon31 19. Cloud1440 20. 14N 21. Zebedy 22. RoxZ
  2. 1. Andy James + Kat. PAID,Tracktime 10.20,12.40 2. Shezza 3. Valy - PAID 4. Keyser +1 - PAID 5. Paul k + Dawn - PAID 6. Nso93- PAID 7. Humpy 8. G1en 9. Rickdon 10. VeilsideZ 11. Beb + Colombia 12. Bob94 13. Buster - PAID 14. Lumpy101 15. Teejay+1 16. Flashback 17. Modo +1 18. TT350 (try) 19. Papa 20. Olly350z 21. Louis350z (not on here) 22. alexclabbs 23. Jay84 - PAID 24. jackf + 1 25. Dillydot82 +1 26. retro_al 27. 350z South West 28. EzeePzee 29. cs2000 - PAID + Tracktime @ 13:40 30. chippychip123 +1 31. Mark123 32. DrMurderDeath +1 33.cloud1440 34. Nismoandy +1PAID 35. Conlonl 36. Apoc124 37. LewisH 38. pintopete58 PAID 39. AmyZed 40. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 41. LMStaples + 1 42. BenHz33 + 1 PAID 43. ShortPaul +1 44. Zero:One 45. wvSTUwv +1 PAID Tracktime @ 13:40 46. Mr.szarvas +1 47. Kingsley + 1 - PAID 48. V1H 49. Cob1980 (+1?) 50. Mattrwebb +1 51. Jake.Lowther (if my cars rebuilt in time whats the latest payment date?) 52. 14N 53. 350gottwins ( count me in ) 54. Jonnymonno 55. KBAD + 1 56. Matt V6Z +1 57. Yorkie +1 58. GracieB + 1 59. Sebastian 60. Zebedy 61. RoxZ + 1
  3. Not sure what else I can add that hasn't already been said, but a huge thanks to Adele and Wayne for a fantastic weekend! And to all those who came for making us feel so welcome in the group! Put our names down for the next one (might leave the tent at home next time though! Haha!) See you all soon! Roxy & James
  4. Cars all packed! Still not sure how I've managed it, the Zed's definately weren't designed for campers! See you all tomorrow!
  5. 1. jbrougham 2. 14N - Requires bacon (if my ticket arrives in time) 3. Justthejedi 4. Davey-83 5. Olly350z 6. Allenhill350z 7. Blocko - Requires bacon x2 8. Nso93 9. Karl92 10. LewisH - Requires much bacon (2 people) 11. RoxZ - Bacon for 2 please!
  6. 1. Z370Z + 1 2. Harryjax + 1 Deposit paid 3. Mr and Mrs Buster Deposit paid 4. Humpy - Deposit paid 5. Andy James +1 Deposit paid 6. Andy_Muxlow +1 DEPOSIT PAID. 7. Mopedmark + Mrs +2 Puggies £40 Deposit paid 8. Rickdon + Mrs Deposit paid 9. Keyser + 1 Deposit paid 10. RoxZ +1 - All Paid (Camping!) 11. Tom deposit paid
  7. I'm booked and paid, can someone add me to the list please!!! Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Wha?! As far as I know, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson could have just bought a 350/370Z, is now residing in the South West and feels like a sizzler. I wish! I fear you may both be disappointed (you have both met me before!) Red Fairlady, black roof, was at the January Breakfast & Japfest!
  9. If there's still a space (and I'm not too late!) can you add me to the list please! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. 1.Andy James +1 PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass,Tracktime 2.Buster +1 PAID 2 tickets,1 stand pass. 3. Keyser +1 Paid 2 tickets 1 stand pass 4. Valy - PAID 5. Evilscorp - PAID 6. teejay + 1 7. Andy_Muxlow (PAID 2 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 8. STYLZ+1 9. Paul K + 1 (PAID 2 entry and 1 club stand pass) 10. Rob350 + 1 PAID 2 tickets, 1 show pass, track time (12:40) 11. Roasty + 1 PAID 2 tickets 1 club stand pass 12. Humpy - paid 13. Tomb 14. Chippychip123 +1 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 (2 Entry & 1 Stand Pass) 17. Irn Bru +1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 18. Kbad + 1 (PAID 1 Entry & 1 Club stand pass) 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1 (PAID - 2 passes plus stand pass) 21. 14N - PAID (Free t-shirt too ). 22. Gizmo + 1 23. Nso93 24. MattRwebB +1 (2 tickets and 1 pass PAID) 25. jdm2003 +1 26. SHEZZA PAID 1 ticket, 1 stand pass 27. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 - PAID 2 tickets ,1 stand pass 28. OliverB PAID, 1 stand pass 29. nick2016 30. Panman +1 31. Rshep1 +1 PAID 2 tickets and 1 stand pass 32.Niknik350 33. Queenie +1 PAID 34. MarkSt - PAID 35. Bob94 +1 PAID: 2 tickets and stand pass 36. nismoandy - paid , 1 stand pass 37. glrnet PAID STAND PASS 38. Amyzed +1 39. Bigjimg + 1 tickets and hotel booked, no stand pass 40. Reeceybeaney + 1 2 camping tickets, 1 stand pass 41. Spatt + 1 (waiting for engine to be rebuilt) 42. Modo (Mike Oliver) +1 Paid stand pass Travelling from Leicester on the day. 43. Willow990 (simon wilson) +1, show pass, tracktime (not paid yet) 44. Mr P + 1, stand pass, track time. Paid 45. Billy-jo +1 46. DrMurderDeath +1, (Chris Jones) 2 tickets & 1 Club Stand pass 47. Apoc124 48. LewisH - PAID 49. RoxZ - Paid
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