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  1. Thought I'd give an update on the final result: my car was a cat D write-off as the cost to fix it was just over what they deemed it was worth (plenty of arguing done there). But they deemed no damage to the chassis leg and that it'll only need body panels, a light, wheel and tyre, and the suspension checked. In the end I took the partial payout and bought back my car at scrappage value (£1375, for anyone that's interested, which I thought was low). Was delivered back to my door this morning, looking slightly worse for wear in terms of mud and contents strewn about the car but otherwise it's a relief to have her back! Just wish I'd declared SORN on the day of the accident - it's a taken a month to the day to sort out and I could've saved £30 So after work calms down I'll have the time to invest to get my baby all fixed and back on the road.
  2. Thanks for the replies. Ach, looks like it'll cost more than I thought then. Just hoping they say it's worth fixing - really don't want to deal with any more stress! Not to mention what a waste it would be - it's such a beautiful car and was in really good shape :/
  3. Hi all, Could do with some advice/ your experience of any similar situation. On Saturday my 350z was hit by another car (their fault) - nothing massively serious, we both walked away but my z is not so lucky. Took the hit to the front passenger side, damaging the front bumper, light (internal breakage and skewed though not shattered itself) and body panel above the wheel, gently leaking washer fluid presumably from the light washer, anything under the hood next to the light took a little damage though engine block and all the rest looked unharmed and the bonnet seems fine. The wheel arch is crushed against the wheel so it's undriveable and I had it recovered from the scene. The other driver has admitted fault and everything is being sorted by the insurance BUT I just had a call from their insurance to say that based on the description of the damage and the age of my car (2005) it is possible it might be a write-off (!!!) But they won't know until their engineer has seen it and it could take a week for me to hear back about what the engineer says so I'll be worried about it until then. Obviously in my mind it would be ridiculous to write off the z for the sake of a couple of panels, some tubing and a light, but they've got me worried! What are your opinions? Do you think it's possible they'll try to say it's not worth the repair? Has anyone been in a similar situation, or have any advice on what to watch out for with repairs after a crash - it's my first accident so any advice would be greatly received to make sure my baby comes out ok the other side! Thanks in advance for any help! Katu Pics for reference: (Looked slightly worse in person) what looks like a line on the tyre is actually the wheel arch baseplate pressed against the tyre in pic 2
  4. thanks Strudul, very useful!
  5. Ah brilliant, thanks!! I swear I'm useless at searching for stuff!
  6. Hi All, Some serious squealing from my belts meant a change was needed, but in undoing the undertray I found out that half the clips on the front bumper have already snapped, and I took accidentally took out one of the last ones before realising the state they were in! The clips bolts themselves are not the problem but when turning they have sheared the plastic they were attached to from the front bumper. Has anyone encountered similar problems and what did you do to solve it? I don't really want to replace the whole bumper! I had a look through the forum and saw someone say they were going to try plastic welding - any other suggestions/advice? Thanks in advance!!
  7. Hey guys, Thought I'd say hi! I bought my dream car a little while ago - a sunset orange 350z and I love it utterly, can't stop smiling when I'm driving it. kt
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