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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. I've got that one in works car, but transfer it to the zed on weekends. I quite like it.
  2. There's your problem, fitted by halfords lol. Thought id get in first as i work there
  3. But like most things, its down to the tester discretion
  4. anything within the swept area of your wiper blades. In the 90's they solid sunstrips used to be illegal for the same reason
  5. some garages record the whole service for you to follow on a tablet if that kind of thing floats your boat. Customers have been known to complain about dashcam footage when they can hear techs swearing in the back ground. In this instance id say it was removed for mot and then not replaced.
  6. Did you complain about this? Big company that is scared of bad press. Although each branch is treated as individual, its still the halfords banner. Id say bring it to mine next time and ill look after it, but Burton is a trek from Wakefield
  7. My MOT tester used to remove them all together for the MOT sighting that they obstructed view, he did the same with air fresheners too, but he also put on the advisory that he removed items from drivers view prior to test. Most testers don't bother at all. In my exp footage just shows a close up view of the bonnet for the most part. I'd be more inclined to check before and mileage if you suspect joyriding.
  8. I attempted wrapping my Toyota badge on my Tsport rolla, didn't look bad but was a pain to do.
  9. This appears to be more 'whos washed their Zed after winter' thread
  10. Was gonna do the same to mine, but might just get a parrot fitted
  11. Try on chrome rather that internet explorer. I had the same problem on ie, none on chrome
  12. That's the fella yeah. Ones day I'll learn to Google honest.
  13. I'm going to put in my thoughts based on no scientific evidence whatsoever too. The air pressure over the bonnet would be affected by the shape and angle of the front bumper, something wedge shaped would put high pressure over the bonnet as less turbulent air, maybe why few gains/losses on rx-7s. But a flat fronted something would cause a lot of turbulence and a lower air pressure flowing over the bonnet than that of a wedge shaped car, maybe allowing bonnet vents to be beneficial if placed properly. But I don't actually know anything, I'm jus guessing and want to feel involved.
  14. I found the same on IE when I'm at work pretending to look busy. Chrome has no issues. IE's whole aim in lie has become a conduit to install chrome.
  15. Absolute swines. Sorry mate that's awful. With the insurance I think it changed so it depended upon whether or not your goods were on display. If they were covered and out of sight you were good, if not they wouldn't cover. As to how they'd know its hard to tell, they employ people to avoid having to pay out. But all insurers are different. With your glass I think it applies to all glass, not just front screen.
  16. Like you say the sills are the biggest issue with corrosion. Other than that I've heard they're pretty solid cars. Like all old cars some bits will be perished or seized.
  17. I had a similar dilemma with mine, but unfortunately the tyres had seen 20 miles of road use and I didn't want soapy dirty tyres on the drivers seat. ..or them falling over with my occasional exuberant cornering. Fortunately I don't have such concerns with my work car.
  18. Welcome along. Supra and 370 pics will be with a look. Glad you're happy with the zed, theyre definitely smile bringers.
  19. Broken coil spring maybe. As you brake the weight shifts causing noise. A lot of the time brake defects can be felt the pedal.
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