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Posts posted by Jay84

  1. I used to work afternoons so i could run before work, now I have to get up at 7:30 on a Sunday morning so I can still spend my one day off with family. Trying to convince my 8 year old to cycle next to me while I run.

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  2. Ouch. Not come off yet. The closest I've come to coming off is when I unclipped my left foot then fell over to the right...outside my house in front of the wife and kids.

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  3. Yeah I cycle too, I have boardman team carbon for that bit, I did a 50 mile last autumn through the derby hills. I like powerade as it's not fizzy but quenching. I only tried the gels first time last year. Gotta admit I like the idea of picking up swimming and doing a triathlon

  4. Just wondering if any other forum members are into running. I know TT and others lift, but I prefer cardio myself. I did a couple of half marathons 2 years ago, had a year off and started again last week. So far I've done 2 7 mile runs averaging just under 8mins/mile. Looking to do some half marathons and possibly wolf runs this year. After 2 more weeks of 7 miles I'll up it to 10 I usually need to take a drink with me when I do 10.

    What drinks, apps, terrain etc do you prefer?

  5. I know Strudul has been rocking the boat a bit recently but I read his post meaning cheaky, like a sneaky curry or sneaky beer, rather than a sneaky...affair. I think without exhaust related posts nothing would have been thought of it. Sorry if I'm out of line and dredging. And stu if your bra is on the floor near Dan, it's jolly decent of you visiting him while he's in agony.

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  6. Cool...although my boss has spent hours waxing lyrically to me about the benefits of up selling wheel balancing on top of a service, but I think that's because it delivers high margin.

  7. Oil pressure sensor inop, I'm my case the gauge read of the scale with ignition on. Sub woofer cutting out and OE Bose headunit skips CD's. Leaking rocker cover gaskets, checking previous service invoices and cost of spark plugs is a good indication of how it was looked after. If the plugs are cheap, it's more than likely corners may have been cut along the way also.


    Ideally you want matching tyres all round and a decent name also gives an idea of how it's been looked after. Along with the above posts, the rest of issues are general wear and tear or clutch, brakes, exhaust, tyres and battery.

    Oh yeah, forgot the CD skipping, usually thats fresh in my mind saturday as its Zed to work day lol
  8. They both look lovely. In a really childish and albeit chavvy way, I kinda want to see eyebrows/bad boy bonnet style on the fiat.


    I think the Fiat might look good with eye lashes lol ;)

    I was just sick in my mouth a bit.


    We had a customer in last week for repairs who had those eyelashes. I jokingly said she looks like she's in the adult entertainment industry. Then I found her naked calendars in the boot with a adult star name. Which ok, you gotta make a living. She then said she's had to work overtime to pay for the repairs and handed he 800 quid in ten pound notes.

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