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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    I think you're right with the GT. Dan categorised the F40 to a decade, and it avoided all the 'yeah buts'. By cars of today's standards there are better. The Carrera GT for the early noughties is the definitive hypercar. When compared to cars from now or the next decade it'll drop off. It'll still be epic as is the F40. Personally I'm not a fan of Fords, but think the Cosworth deserves a place.
  2. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Nuts I forgot the morgan 3 wheelers.
  3. If you want to make money you need to try and find a future classic. Buy 10-15 future classics at 10k each.
  4. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Reliant Robin. The definitive 3 wheel car.
  5. Wonder if he'd have my wife...
  6. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    S1 Land Rover? Still Better off road today than most off roaders.
  7. A lime green Plymouth Hemi Cuda. With Louvres That Strudul would love. Always assumed Id go Jap. My bucket list was always RX7, R34GTR and (not or) a Supra
  8. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    That's what I was thinking. Does it still enjoy longest production of any vehicle?
  9. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    What about the actual beetle? Not everyone's cup of tea, but gotta be a definitive something.
  10. I've got a zero all over but a beard, I look more like I need a Harley than a zed.
  11. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Gotta be the lowered saxo dragging it's ass like a dog along the carpet.
  12. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Best bond car? Is probably not on many lists, but I have a soft spot for the esprit
  13. Yeah I prefer water to heights. I have my scuba license and like the idea of doing a shark dive.
  14. Same, I'm at work and I kept having to deal with customers which is rubbish, but I wondered the same
  15. It could be something simple like spark plugs going down.
  16. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    What about the ultimate sleeper? I think the Lotus Carlton would be hard to beat.
  17. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    For me the Supra was the definitive Playstation car of choice, much faster than the GT-R Im pretty sure a Lotus Elise exists as a definitive lightweight road car of choice - simplify , then add more lightness I lacked the skill to control the supra when it was fully tuned, whereas the GTR34 was fairly controllable for those of little skill.
  18. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Original (and personal fave) Hot-hatch; Mk1 Golf Gti. Looks life a cheap run around but lightning quick...for the early 80s at least. British Muscle has to be the Aston Martin V8 Vantage
  19. That is so wrong but so funny. It takes that much of a run up to spend a tenner, she's a teacher and needs to be in control lol.
  20. That's amazing well done. I do like running but am quite anti social and tend to run alone. I think it's because I sirens all day dealing with people or my family I enjoy my time alone.
  21. I hear smokers have an easier time of oxygen thinness,not sure how true it is. Id be up for it but convincing the SO to part with 3k would be difficult. It takes 1 month run up for a night out with the lads lol.
  22. I used to work afternoons so i could run before work, now I have to get up at 7:30 on a Sunday morning so I can still spend my one day off with family. Trying to convince my 8 year old to cycle next to me while I run.
  23. That's a great half time, my best was 1:36.
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