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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. My feelings have always been that we're all people/humans, regardless of location/creed etc. I've always seen it that all wars are civil wars, just people killing people. I'm with Dan when it comes to religion and politics.
  2. May be a repost as its an oldish game but... Game on the xbox about time travel (sorta). But there is a car chase with a silver 350.
  3. Except is hair, that went grey over night. Must be the stress of MB
  4. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Glad someone else suggested LFA. I couldnt make it fir the thread, my my christ i love it.
  5. I knew one would be an Audi, I've seen it on TT's a couple of times. Was fun watching the mot tester trying to stick the probe up it.
  6. I know its tragic as death always is, and I'll maybe get some stick for this: But poor guy, even in death he's friend zoned. The effort in mentioning they're not a couple.
  7. That's appalling. Fortunately I have my proof of ncd from my time with direct line and then being a named driver on the wife's insurance, so if they do ask is available. But seeing add is been 3 months since starting the policy, that's how long I'll keep them waiting for before I send it.
  8. Dunno, I think id take the apocalypse for the last of the great v8s.
  9. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Nope Toyota did it with the crown in the 70s then vw in the 80s with the golf
  10. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    I believe vw pioneered stop start tech, it was on a mk1 golf I think. I'm going to try and...Google? Is that right?
  11. Unless it was Halfords. They just ignore your complaint until it drops off the system We're not all bad lol. I've had no wheels fall off.
  12. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Mercedes pioneered turbo diesels with their 300SD. Not very modern though. 1978.. Every day's a school day.
  13. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Curve ball, Peugeot 306 turbo diesel. A pin number immobiliser and one of the pioneers of modern turbo diesels.
  14. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Hmm dunno about chitty, but the delorean in back to the future 2 flies too
  15. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    I completely realise you could easily have done this yourself, but let me save you the trouble. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clio_V6_Renault_Sport Hi I'm Jason, I lack the ability to Google or you tube search. Other things I've asked is: what's this thing in my zed (it was/is a radar jammer). Yeah I know I should have looked it up lol
  16. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    You're buying the wrong ones if they're selling from a fiesta...as I understand it
  17. Take it back and complain. I know itll not get you anywhere but they need to know
  18. Looks good...and cheap. I paid more for my rev up with more mileage. Even with the clutch nearly ready its a great price.
  19. Some vehicles recommend a retorque but not many. If they didnt scrub the wheels and hubs before refitment it can cause them to appear tight at garage but loose later. But unlikely to be all four. I'd say they weren't done properly, human error/oversite. It shouldnt happpen. We have to do a quality check once the technician has done them, a road test, then another recheck of torques.
  20. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    I dont know much about the Clio referred to. I assume it was a production thing unlike the JukeR and Aygo Crazy.
  21. Welcome along. Hope it all goes well for you.
  22. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Yeah I keep throwing ideas out to see what sticks
  23. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    Yeah the Zonda is pretty mental. What are peoples thoughts on track weapons? Aerial Atom? Caterham? KTM Xbow?
  24. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    I blame it on being spring.
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