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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. I was wondering why this thread was over 8 pages, is that not a bit OTT for he said she said bickering? We have wondered off from the original thread theme somewhat
  2. Yeah I agree with coil packs. If they're starting to break down internally it can be an intermittent thing until they go all together.
  3. I agree that if he's charged you 4 times you should have got 4 parcels.
  4. I like. Even the wing suits it.
  5. Wads expecting cash the buyers way tbh so hell yeah.
  6. OOOHHHHHHHH so much temptation. If they still exist middle of next week, i'll pm you.
  7. Jay84

    Definitive Cars

    ironic as thats where dan was when he started it.
  8. I didnt see a helicopter on the list otherwise id suggest that
  9. So although there is no club stand, is any one going to this? Its on my doorstep and haven't been to a show in years. We could meet in the car park, or arrive together. If not I'll go as Billy, or convince my 8yr old daughter she wants to go.
  10. Keyser has won the thread so far.
  11. How I bought it, with broken rear Z. I figure if I'm going to replace, Id go all black, Yeah she needs a wash. If i get a quiet moment at work later I'll do that. Maybe tomorrow.
  12. The fleet so far. These are both mine. The SO will have her new car soon the zed can go back on the drive round the back.
  13. Since the tree fell on her zafira she's been taking the zed to work, so anything is better than that. Not that I have space to park a 4th car.
  14. Not a mini fan but I think id have the car. The wife can't spend a car for me lol.
  15. That's brilliant. Is there anywhere to find out this years rare cards numbers?
  16. Ive won an apple pie today too, but kept shtum about it incase you all wanted it
  17. My dad lived in Japan for a year before going back to HK. HK everyone speaks english. Japan not so much...or at all. But it's their country so sucks to be us lol. Never got to visit him there but always wanted to.
  18. Nope, but I'm excited that one more orange and I win a £250 experience...always wanted to experience 250 quid
  19. Next bit is to replace my broken rear Z. Replacing all of them with black whilst I'm at it which is my task for tomorrow in a quiet 15 mins at work. Will do before and after photos. Also rear to secure my o/s/f arch lining since my drive has helped pull it off.
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