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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. I don't have an axe but I have some swords. When the bullets run out I'll be fine.
  2. HR ones look ace mate. Glad I've already sent mine. Pm me and I'll arrange your funds and my delivery address.
  3. I also like the idea of living on a tanker...but i image stealing one would be like stealing am aeroplane. Even if I snuck on I doubt I could pilot one. But you could grow food with some top soil on the deck. Have a small holding like in the good life but out at sea.
  4. I keep seeing zed's in my work car. I still wave. Then I get told off by the wife for waving at women in zed roadsters. Oops.
  5. I hear Iceland would be a good place if you can get there. Not on any target list and cold beer. But if Dan's crew needs any help I can sail, scuba dive and prepare (skin) most animals for foods. Ps I'm not wearing a pinny for it.
  6. I also think the roads are too busy these days. Its carnage when roads are closed due a fun run let alone a weekend of racing. I just don't think the infrastructure can take it these days. I like the idea though. I'm a bit behind on rally, but do we still get wrc on British roads? I think id rather watch that. Plus the pot holes aren't as devastating on a car like that.
  7. Jay84

    Stubby aerial

    Tarmac sportz mate. Can be found on pro traders on here.
  8. Thanks man. But now you mention it, have you got the megazoid card?
  9. Rear arches too. Its a pain of you can't under easily. I wire brushed under mine a week ago and undersealed it.
  10. Yeah I saw that. I've pmd and will just go straight to the 25 quid. I'm pleased with the interest.
  11. I'm pleased you're interested. If I need to be a member trader to sell them I'm not doing anything until I am as I don't want to get in trouble. Aleady realised this thread should be in the members traders thread lol good start. Also I need an image of the logo with a 370 from somewhere to do those. If you can point me in that direction...
  12. Right guys, I can do the T's at £15 each delivered, A polo option a little more at £20 delivered. Turn around time will be about a week. Please just express interest for now as i'm not down as a trader with the forum. Feedback on costs appreciated, but as its a little nicer than iron on emblems, I think its fair. Other colours of shirts available but with the logo colour scheme as it is, and me being the ageing goth I am, (kuro) black looks best...as it does on the car .
  13. I've mailed the in law to get the price per t shirt and a polo shirt option.
  14. I can probably do most things. I used the logo from the top of the website as it's one we all recognise.
  15. Ok guys, here are the shirt designs. The logo is embroided rather than press so looks a bit classier. I think they will be around 10-15 quid each. If there is no interest I'll get the thread closed. If there is I'll approach admin about becoming a member trader.
  16. I'd happily park inside. I'm in Derby but would travel up the m1 a little to go in convoy.
  17. Jay84

    Who will win???

    In my exp, the french hot hatches are always fast because they are nearly always incredibly light. To the point where you get up to a decent lick of speed you can see body panels flexing. I always think of my zed as a tourer. Big tank, comfy, heated electric seats etc. Hot hatches are for hooning about on short little trips. I'd take my Zed across europe and love it. Id be sick of a french hot hatch by the time I lefty the county.
  18. Jay84

    Honda Nsx

    I like the underdog idea with cars like the NSX. A household named car mixing it up with the big boys. It makes it seem like something like this could be within my grasp for ownership. Obviously it wont lol. I had a chat with a friend doing a track day and he had to choose 3 out of Ferrari (dont know which), Porsche (dont' know which again), Aston (You probably get the picture), a lambourghini, an Audi R8 and a Nissan GTR. Now I'd have a GTR in a heartbeat, but I couldn't tell him to use it on the track day, because in my head I can own one...but I cant see myself owning a Ferrari. To complete the post, because I know you all love closure; He went Lambo, R8 and Ferrari.
  19. Hard to tell...it all happened so quick. We were going in opposite directions. TBH i thought it looked fairly standard, but i'd only just pulled out of the junction.
  20. Holy cheese balls, £85 is a bargain too. He can sod off its mine lol.
  21. Same thing. The wife was not happy that the Zed was cheaper than her Zafira. Although its only a weekend car and I have access to other cars which keeps the cost down. Just under 400 for the Zed.
  22. I believe BMW have self parking cars or are working on it. I dont mean you move the pedal, but you get out at work or the office, and it goes and finds its allocated parking spot. Then you push a button when you need it and it comes and collects you.
  23. After 4 months of ownership I finally saw another 350 whist in mine. Been allsorts of places in mine, even up to Chester, nothing. Joining the main road through Chaddesden Derby, I see another black one. We flashed and waved, it was beautiful. Anyone on here? Or was it the reflection of my ca in the side of a bus and I was just half asleep? Jay
  24. Why doesn't my good lady want one of those? I have to make do with a Crashqai.
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