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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Put me down for the GTR
  2. If you fancy a trip up to Burton we can remove mine today ready for the new ones arriving.
  3. When I get my wrapped ones back from Zippypoos you can have my old ones. Might be a week or 2 though mate. No damage to them. I found the ones I sent on ebay for 20 for the pair.
  4. Hopefully soon mate. As soon as I fit them they'll be on this thread.
  5. Got my HFC's fitted which is the last of the bolt on mod's. Next is to get booked in for the uprev treatment. Ordered some smoked side repeaters and have my black wrapped reflectors en route soon.
  6. Yeah but they do that every year. On the Asian news networks it gets reported a bit more detailed. China essentially gives them money to stop being silly. When the money starts to run low they missile test and get a new trade agreement. But Chinese papers are probably as reliable as our own lol.
  7. No arguments from me TT and even in larger land masses it isn't something you can run from. But a man can dream...of peak District tea's and hot stone treatments lol.
  8. What this stick? Noo this is a flute. My peace flute.
  9. On a slightly unrelated topic, I've been around this awesome forum for 3-4 months and can't help notice: noone starts a thread like Dan.
  10. It's what NK has been doing for years. The problem is Trump is poking the crazies with his poking stick. But I agree (and hope) it'll fizzle out. I like to think the world keeps getting smaller as travel gets faster and war will be unceonmically viable. But what do I know, I'm a 30 something petrol head with a beer in my hand thinking he knows best lol.
  11. Jay84

    Temporary BGW

    Would a bgw create understeer without front balance?
  12. Jay84

    Hi flow cats

    My uses kinetix cats passed an emissions test today esp once they were nice and hot. DE rev up engine. Payed 135 delivered from here and they're ace. Check some of the guys who break that's where mine came from.
  13. From start to finish that was about 30 mins excluding bargain hunt. After 15 mins you'd think hmm this seems to be going south. In 15 mins I could hopefully make it to the peak district. But what is the radiation fallout like? How far does that extend from the blast radius? No point avoiding being vapourised to then grow an extra head.
  14. I've gone a similar route. KnN panel, plenum spacer, just fitted kinetix HFC'S, just the remap to go.
  15. You could also have an electrical drain on your battery that is sapping power during the cars down time.
  16. I'd go down the battery route first. If you fit a new battery and it doesn't solve it, as long as its resell-able you can get your money back. If your battery has high internal resistance it wont hold charge. Can be caused by a voltage spike from alternator or jump starting etc. Normally if its starter motor that has seized it just clicks and wont even try to turn.
  17. Watching that video it seems we're at the biggest risk when we are used as US's service station for the bombers. Thats when I'd nuke us
  18. Well I know nothing of an escape plan...or do I? I may not be near London, but I live right next to RR nuclear sub plant, and various RR engines are still made in Derby. Probably not the first nuke target, but a strategic place non the less.
  19. Where I lived with my mum (as a youth not a creepy 40yr old virgin type) in Breedon, they have a limestone quarry and they used to use th eold air raid siren before they did any blasting. Its such an eerie sound. As kids we all used to hit the deck at the local primary school. With the four minute warning issue, I think I'd rather not know. Does beg the question whether or not the government would inform us, or just sneak off somewhere
  20. OK so I got hold of some kinetix cats and fitted (well the aprentice fitted)them today at work. The whole system was standard and I didn't want excess noise mainly do I didn't have to tell the wife. The car feels nice and responsive and with the standard system sounds a bit sportier but not intrusive. She's been in it and couldn't tell, perfect. Next on performance is a remap. In other visual news the stealth look will be updated when zippypoos returns my newly wrapped front reflectors. I think I'm going to tint my reverse/fog/repeater units too.
  21. I've got those. It was a fiddle but got them fitted in situ without bumper removal. Didn't even need to put on a ramp. The issue with the shorter ones is they don't have a cambus (or something) so flicker. I found i easier to unplug the wire, fit the bulb then reconnect wire. Standard 501s fit too...
  22. Tried this one night in a car park...results were...unexpected.
  23. I do love a good survivalist thread. What would the vehicle of choice be fir everyone? A land cruiser is pretty rugged. But I think the ideal would be one of the themes bus things.
  24. I bought some off ebay and had them sent to zippy, when the new ones arrive I'll just sell the old. The exchange is a good idea but means he can only do a small amount at a time whilst waiting for post to swap them.
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