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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Lol its worse, I'm an autocentre manager. Although in my head, that makes me better. The retail store can't fit a bulb round here without braking the lights. I've seen smashed bulbs in light units, broken light units, all sorts.
  2. also looking into getting a dash cam fitted too - however not keen on fitting in myself as i'd want it hard wired. halfrauds fit for circa £30. . . what could possibly go wrong ? The halfrauds ones are easy to do, if you can locate your fuse board you can wire it in. The kit comes with a piggyback fuse adaptor, you take a fuse out that is linked to ignition on (i.e 12v socket), put the new bit in, and put the fuse you removed n the back of it. I'm a non skilled halfrauds manager and have fitted numerous without breaking anything. Taking a note of your mileage is worth doing, resetting trips etc. I know its resolved now but I'd opt to leave my car and trust them.
  3. I'm glas you said that about the higher tax on the rev up, as i'm paying higher tax than the DE. As has been said, shop around, test drive lots, and service history. Welcome
  4. I must say we're all being terribly adult about this thread, politics has a way of getting out of hand on forums. I was discussing it with the wife last night who is a teacher and she was appalled by my choice in vote. But as has been said JC although has good ideals, comes off as being soft with no backing from his peers.
  5. I paid 135 delivered for used kinetix HFC's and couldnt be happier. There are a couple of people breaking on here, zmanalex etc will have a better idea of costs and postage, try pming them, they'll be only too happy to help.
  6. By the way it may be worth replacing sensors first.
  7. I've got my old ones in Burton on Trent, just fitted HFC's. I was going to keep them but if you're desperate and don't mind the drive... Not even considered price though, so make me an offer lol. One even has the sensor. They were working fine on removal and I only ever use high octane.
  8. She should get herself on twitter/fb/snapchat, and meet the people that way. Otherwise she'll never make it around the whole country before June.
  9. God knows why but i read that as Jeremy Clarkson.
  10. Ouch that's nasty. Letting yourself be hit is great in theory, but getting your body to override the survival instinct to swerve is not easy.
  11. The second bump (if that) I had, i recorded the conversations and took photos. The guy got out the car complaining his neck was stiff and whip lash complaint was thrown out as it must have been a preexisting condition. my photos showed his car having no damage. In my exp remaining calm and civil is the best way of dealing with any accident.
  12. Brexit has been the oddest game of pass the...bomb? ever. One person achieves it but isn't in a position to action it, the guy that is leaves and passes it on to our Trease, she actions it and could end up not seeing it through. I do think labour need to become a solid party with less in fighting to stand a chance. But I also look back to the country's reaction to having the unelected Brown in charge and how we were quick to remove him, admittedly he didn't help himself by being a rubbish people person, May could go the same way. The country does seem rather fractured atm.
  13. I've has 2 accidents in my 15 years driving and caused both, nothing serious just not paying attention, both slow speed, second one didn't even do any damage. But I still fitted a dashcam and its worth its weight in gold. I can see them becoming mandatory or at least encouraged and discounting by insurers. Oh yeah, I agree, Morgan was at fault.
  14. Is it the angle and the road sign, or did the Morgan carry on after?
  15. Harley would rust within days, no bueno Also, Dan, can I be a gollum like creature for your gang? I can't really contribute much, but I can be creepy as anything and attack people wearing nothing but a loin cloth Every group DOES need a nutter
  16. Such a lovely car, congratulations. Also, I love drifting old ladies
  17. That's dedication. What do you know we don't?
  18. OK so am member trader now, there is a thread on that section and lexx has restarted the design clothing competition
  19. I've displayed similar with a 370z too on my member trader thread.
  20. I darent say anything negative in case anyone has those doors...that is not to my taste lol
  21. I believe the difference in years is based upon de and HR engines rather than anything else. I've heard the japspeed ones don't fit particularly easy though.
  22. Yes mate. I'm at the halfords autocentre there. I'm not gonna bin my old ones, once the new ones are on i'll update you.
  23. Knocking from the front arms, commonly referred to as banana arms on here. Also be worth finding out what fuel has been used, they have issues on standard octane. Ideally a diet of 97+.
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