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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Congrats mate, you'll find yourself smiling a lot, then zeditus will set in. You need to get some pics for a us drool over lol .
  2. That does look ace. I'd be up for that...possibly not this year. Hope mh lowly zed wouldn't be too outclassed lol
  3. I pulled over 2 xmases ago in works astra. I was in the wrong. I undertook what I thought was a taxi. He flashed me and followed me through a town centre, I tried to loose him. After 2 mins gave up and pulled over. As I did a panda top pulled up with blues and 2s. Turned out not a taxi, 2 off duty officers in the station officers car on the way back in. I had a chat, apologised. Shook hands merry Xmas etc. No further action. Learnt my lesson about being patient. I'm 33 and have no points, that was my first issue. But most of the time I'm on quiet country roads. My work requires me having a fairly clean license so cruise control is my friend.
  4. And that's one of the biggest issues: the media muddy the water so much. Its not just the papers these days, Facebook and Twitter is full of the he said she said.
  5. Part of me wants to delete the door handles.
  6. I don't like clear reflector replacements, always reminds me of the ds3. Not a bad car, but not my thang. They look better outside as they have a graphite sheen that goes perfectly with my wheels. Interestingly now I've washed and polished the rear lower cluster has grown on me. Going to live with it bit, but for a fiver for a metre, I'm not worried about changing it in the future.
  7. Oh yeah ignore they black plastic thing hidden in the grille still not removed them yet.
  8. Zippypooz they look awesome pal. In daylight they reflect giving a carbon look. Inside or at dusk, pure black. Great product mate
  9. Hi all, I need to opinions. Today my front reflectors were replaced courtesy of zippypoos and they look awesome, great quality work, that I will put some pics on his sales thread once the sun has hidden and I can safely wash my black car. The bit i need opinions on is my rear lower light units. Im going stealthy and thought I'd tint them black. I went for a dark smoke, but cant help feel they should look a little more subtle and a medium smoke would have been better. Now I know a 3.5ltr v6 on racing cats is never going to be subtle lol but opinions welcome. Oh and a sneak peak at the refelctors before bath time...
  10. +1 I have a rev up and love it. I think we all love our zed whichever we own though. All are smile inducing. Whichever of the 3 you get, if it's been well looked after, will be a pleasure to own. Although I can't vouch for the standard clutch as I bought mine with an uprated clutch.
  11. Jay84


    Not tried that yet, but there is info on the media section.
  12. Jay84


    What are you trying to do?
  13. Jay84


    I had a test thread that looked like this lol
  14. Looks a little like the car from speed racer
  15. Plus the standard cd player skips over big bumps, small bumps, too hot, too cold, too wet too dry and if you put a cd in (slight exaggeration).
  16. Best opening topic ever . For the record I voted e.
  17. Yeah tell them about the LSD. Some places are set up for it. most arent
  18. All i see on labour policies that my very red mate put on fb is how they're going to spend all ths money making all these improvements. I don't argue some of the systems are dated and useless, but where will that money come from? I never considered myself a Tory, but I can't see Labour being a viable option, and as has been mentioned its a 2 horse race.
  19. Mk3 mr2 are more stable than the mk2 I've always found but there isn't much you can do to improve power unless you get hold of a t sport or compressor engine to put in. But timing chain and an engine that is OK being thrashed. Rx8s feel pretty well balanced. Not had the chance to track an mx5. I know, not the most helpful.
  20. Welcome along. Just googled, it's like a 350z qashqai.
  21. The best way to check cooling fan function is to turn the ac on, if fans don't spin its a fan issue. However from what I've seen the temp gauge should have gone into the red before boiling over.
  22. Looks awesome. Trying to figure out if i can do it without the purse holder realising. So far my idea is put it on a c/card, tell her i'm at work as usual and just be here instead.
  23. My technicians assure me that when mine goes it'll be easy to do. I tend to not do clutches here as i only have 3 ramps and it kills my trade. My labour calculator has it at 303 excluding parts using my reg as the basis
  24. That is steep. Even at 5 hours that puts it in excess of £100/hour, which is getting close to some main dealer rates. My guess is they didn't want to do it and rather than say that they tried to price you out of it.
  25. Autodata has the labour time of replacing the clutch plate at 3.5 hours, 3.7 on the flywheel
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