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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. I did English Lit and had to buy my own books. Linking to Jetpilot, I progressed my career in Tesco, and now run a garage. Could i have done this without my degree? Probably. I did meet the wife there, she also did English and is now head of dept on 50k+/year so 2 sides of the coin there.
  2. Agreed, and sometimes the uni folk struggle to even get employed after the course as life exp is as important. I hope she does earn a fortune though.
  3. I think it works with the frost seats and gaiters.
  4. I think its a reflection in change of charge, in my day it was 1.1k a year, for which I had/have a student loan. In my head, that's a fair figure, I wont be paying it for the rest of my life, and I got into a Uni based on my grades. I'm not sure what the annual cost is these days but last I hear it was around 3k per year. I feel it should be self funded to go to uni (inc loans), but the grades have to be good to get it.
  5. Cool I'll give them a look. I was hoping it'd be around 200 for spraying and fitting. Edit update, a phone call had at work with the number of Hilton Ind Estate, thanks for that.
  6. Yeah the Halfords autocentres in Burton. Mines a black 06 plate. Live in derby (chadd, ssshhh) though. Out of interest what are the stupid quotes?
  7. I agree on the war comment, yes war is bad and all loss of life is a tragedy, and I wish there was no war (I could win miss Derby with a speech like that) etc, but how many jobs are in the war machine? RR, BAE no to mention the troops on the ground. RR in Derby manufacture something to do with the Nuclear Subs we produce. Shut that arm of RR down, it'll be devastating to Derby's economy. I also think there are better things to be done with the railway than nationalising them. As a system of mass public transport it's dated and only seems to be any good in London. However I do like the ever expanding tram systems in towns like Nottingham (not that I use the tram, cuz race car)
  8. I told mine we should give power back to the royals
  9. Yeah I got one that's loopy over labour, but it think it'd be as annoying if it was any other party as its his preachyness that bothers me. He's also a huge Eddie Izzard fan, who is also a labour nut, and i can't help think its linked. I want my politicians to be political and my comedians to be funny and never the 2 shall meet lol.
  10. So who has angry preacher mates on fb that you're ready to unfriend until its over?
  11. Petrol engines are less needy the diesels when it comes to oil. Most oils have an 'ash quantity' that helps the soot content of diesels and prevents the blocking of the dpf. Petrol's aren't as picky, its more the weight and rev range that affects them. I used to have 3 barrels of oil for servicing, 10-40 5-30 and fords eco boost. Now i have 12, they take up more room than my tyre supply. And they keep adding to the range.
  12. I've bought one too, but it wont be fitted until the end of june. I'm derby based you'll have to let me know where yours gets fitted and costs etc. Im taking mine to a place called j's autobody in burton as they're round the corner from where i work.
  13. I agree about uni fees. Yes they are ridiculous now, but when i went 10 years ago, it was a fair amount. I think uni application needs to be more based on academic prowess rather than buying your way in, but there still needs to be a fee. The issue with uni is, IF labour gets in: no fees = higher attendance = labours success speech next election will run "under labour we saw a dramatic increase in people attending university yay us!" The issue we had in the late 90's/early 00's was that most (ok a lot of) people finished uni and couldn't get a job, or they got jobs in a field they didn't study in. The only person i know who uses their degree is the SO, who did English, and now teaches GCSE and A level English. I also did English and wonder if I'd be in exactly the same job now if I didn't attend uni.
  14. I know, it was tongue in cheek
  15. I love that you'll plasti dip everything but flocking is too much.
  16. Just a thought, but isn't Jon at Emperor winding his business down for the time being? If he is still contactable and has anything left over, he may be worth a shout.
  17. Dunno, If its a dona car for a track weapon, all bits are potentially usable, and Tarmac Sportz do run a 350z in the BDC pro class (although I don't think its v6)
  18. A bit off topic, but does this mean I drive an exotic?
  19. I did that on my old Astra. Along with a yellow and black theme. Not 100% on them yet on my Zed.
  20. They're dead flies mainly. The bit that really hurts is the bird sh*t burn on the bonnet. Going to cut a deal with the body shop when the spoiler is done...hopefully.
  21. Yeah I have been thinking that, esp since it just collects polish and leaves white residue. Weather depending it'll be bathed saturday so i'll remove that at the same time and take new photos.
  22. Did the Tarmac Sport 350z get broken at Teeside yesterday?
  23. Might be worth sending pictures to the supplier of what yours look like, if its a 'change over' year, that could cause discrepancies. Had a quick look on ecp under my reg and it doesn't list anything im afraid.
  24. I guess I'll need to bose adpater too.
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