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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Welcome. Yeah its pretty damn smile inducing.
  2. I've had a good look aver my spoiler, and it seems fine to be honest.
  3. It doesn't look the best. Its a pain tinting the edge where the raised dots are, but usually applying heat can shrink the film to get rid of that bit. It looks like the film on the top left was creased when fitted. They may argue you have pitting on the window itself on the bottom right that they can do nothing about. Window tint is evil evil stuff to deal with though.
  4. I read it at work and had to try to deal with customers crying with laughter.
  5. Yeah I thought that too. Made me laugh.
  6. Welcome along and happy hunting
  7. Jay84

    Bam Shifts

    Well i'm sold.
  8. Jay84

    Bam Shifts

    Perve that I am, I like the anime girl. But thay have some cool stuff. If they can do a bamboo dash, strudul could have a go, he was after something different
  9. And i heard on the news today someone want to lower the age to 16.
  10. We had to do a fuel pump on a mazda 6, and he was a decent chap and delivered it with a full tank. The pump is in the tank on these, it was a nightmare, Moral is, do it before a refill lol
  11. Not that I've been told about, but bumpty bump
  12. No I cheaped out and had it wrapped instead . The advantage is i can flex it a bit more without cracking the paint. Cost £70 for the wrapping which i was rather pleased with.
  13. i had similar concerns but was impatient. i am actually pleased with how it looks though.
  14. Yeah Mrs Jay84 will vote LD if think. But only so she can be down with the kids innit. But the younger generation always feel under represented so I agree its a clever tactic
  15. Jay84

    Bam Shifts

    That is cool. Reminds me a bit of my early Honda days before key based immobilisers where we'd melt the key into a screwdriver handle. Caused issues if you got pulled over though.
  16. They were out when I bought my Nismo one, so bought the Nismo instead, mines 06+ I did originally think the nismo would be too much lip for me, but really pleased with the result
  17. Don't apologise, and please don't worry about what you post, that's not what we want.
  18. My birthday is June if you all fancy a whip round
  19. I don't think i'd notice 5% Dan. I put a bit more than that into share plans monthly. But I don't break even each month or over spend, and I'm someone who runs a 3 car house. There probably will be people who would feel it, others who'd have to sacrifice a bottle of wine/take-away/night out etc. Now I don't know much about the higher ups and corporations, but if as a people we are all skint, we won't be buying there wares. Surely its got to be give and take for all concerned. As to the second question, probably not personally. I don't have private health care and would feel guilty not contributing but still taking. I know NHS is only one factor but its an emotive one atm for the country. Doesn't mean I don't utilise my skills and time cash in hand every now and again. Contributing to society is something I feel is important in general. People who claim dole (I know, old school) but don't contribute or try frustrate me. I'd like to see them benefiting the local community somehow, volunteer work for the council etc. Obviously doesn't apply to people with health issues who can't work.
  20. Yeah its a fair point that uni creates a collection of 'drifters' using it as a delay tactic. Obviously does't apply to all uni attendees before i get shot lol
  21. They are stunning. The Purple would look awesome on a black revup.
  22. I agree Coldel. I learned all those skills before I even got to Uni. My 6th form taught us a few things, but experience did the rest. My son is just gong through GCSE's and is doing A levels to get a higher apprenticeship, Uni isn't (currently) even on his agenda. I will however say I think we are forced into choosing a career path too young. I'm 32 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
  23. I fitted a Nismo style to a facelift and left the rubber chin bit underneath on as it holds my undertray in place.
  24. Welcome along. Nice looking motor mate. I've got a rev up too and it doesn't use oil, but checking the dipstick regular is good practise in all cars...its just not that easy on the de engines
  25. nah the slipping got sorted with the atf change from the looks of things. Glad the rebalance fixed it, great result.
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