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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. I agree, I always avoid modding the family wagon. Get a weekend car lol
  2. Out of interest has it been at crescent motors in Burton?
  3. I got the 250 quid set for 90. Its nothing like the snap on stuff but I don't fix cars all day every day. For a career you buy snap on you buy once. For weekend tinkering that'll never let you down, the Halfords adbamced/pro stuff is perfect.
  4. I know I work for them etc etc, but the advanced stuff is really good. It takes some serious force to break them, even the delicate torx stuff is pretty robust.
  5. That's cuz they're like my wife, if they nothing to complain/protest about they'll melt. I've got a headache Take some paracetamol love Nah.
  6. Non LSD can do a burn out I believe, its only turning and doing it they struggle with i.e drifting or doughnuts. I did a quick google of "can you do a burn out wihout lsd". But I'm not 100% sure and I know that not everything you read on the net is true.
  7. Number plate plinth removed, happy days. Was going to wash and polish, just soaped her up and a tropical storm hit, so no pictures yet. Before it started raining I went to sort my boot opening. Step one was to adjust the latch mechanism. I stripped my trim down, and found that the latch mechanism bolts weren't even tight. Positioned it up nice, tightened it up...no difference. Step 2 was to adjust the boot stops. It was here I discovered my n/s boot stop is missing. So rather than do anything to the o/s one alone, I figure I'll replace the missing one first to see if it makes a difference. A quick pm to zman and jon at emperor and now to wait...
  8. My MOT tester says it should be ok. If they're fitted they have to work. If they're not there its fine.
  9. But will legalisation and uni fees pull them all to lib dem?
  10. The washers is an interesting one, if they're there they need to work. But if they're not there it should be fine...I think.
  11. What interests me about the social media aspect is the personal attacks on the Tories. Its not debunking the policies, but a tirade of filth and personal attacks on the people...which seems like a loosing tactic. I'm all in favour of having the policies pulled to threads and analysed, its what I saw being done to the labour manifesto a lot.
  12. Yeah although from a legal warranty pov any of the mentioned stamps will do, dealer stamps (wrongly) add resale value.
  13. Most garages will have the contact of someone that can do it local to them he'll coil I mean). I have a guy but doubt you want to drive to derby for it lol
  14. HKS or k&n? I believe they can yes, it's only things from tier 2 suppliers or retail stores that are questionable. Its why halfords get parts from ecp and pages rather than retail store.
  15. Mann or bosch will be acceptable. In fairness though 135 isn't a bad price for a dealer. An interim service at halfords is about the same price on anything above 2.2
  16. I got great delivery time (15 miles up the road lol) for my nismo splitter and it looks awesome. The fitting instructions they posted up were really helpful too.
  17. Message P15ULT, he's done similar
  18. Any one around here from the burton area drop there silver zed at crescent motors? I drive past them on my way home and its been there nearly a week now.
  19. Haha, I think i'll be getting some from the kids for my birthday. I like with fujiwara tofu shop one too as i've read all of the initial d chapters, but I'm not a white shoes kinda guy. Hopefully the wife knows this.
  20. My rule of thumb is if they don't wave they're probably not on here, but I still ask. I see a couple round near where I work and none ever wave.
  21. Seen a lot of those on my fb strudul. Pretty sure they're 100%, but will check when i get home. Here is the basic embroided T (shameful plug I know). I am awaiting the first of the 370z shirts similar to the above but with the 370 silhouette, its taking a bit longer than expected.
  22. I was under the impression that a stamp in the book was vital, but could be from any VAT registered garage. Or is that just what my halfords training has told me In fact it requires a Halfords stamp to maintain warranty
  23. Depends if the warranty requires a stamp for the run in service. If it does, you can take it to any vat registered garage that uses OEM spec parts and your warranty is all good. Is there a dedicated stamp space for run in service?
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