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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Jay84

    Sh#t Magnet

    Murder would be done. I make my own kids open and close the doors touching only the handles
  2. Was Thinking mid June, and If I can make it so one-eyed can make it too happy days. Let me know what days do and don't work and I'll go with the majority.
  3. Right all, Just found out the SO is going away for half term with the kids, leaving me at home as I have to work. Now once I finished crying, it occurred to me it left me free to go for an evening drive out in the zed. I know its short notice but does anyone fancy a drive out any evening monday to wednesday? Finish work at 6. I could even combine the threads on here and meet at The Coopers Arms if anyone fancies it. If not, no drama, its short notice, but I'll be out somewhere lol. Jay
  4. Jay84


    I know the scale is different, but when I was a retail store manager for a large food chain, we weren't allowed to stop shop lifters until they'd left the building with the goods unpaid for, because up until that point they may have decided to pay, and they were just keeping they vodka warm under their coat until that point
  5. Jay84


    Minority Report was the one I was thinking off, but yeah Looper too. Yeah it didn't turn out so well for Mr Cruise...or Willis I guess.
  6. Jay84


    I didnt say that at all, lets be realistic about what the security services deem a terror threat and i am sure that doesnt include isis popping up in a google search The security services know who these people are in most cases with very good reason. But how would you define who is and isn't a threat? Serious question, not being flippant on this. Genuinely curious to know what you'd define as a terror threat. This. This is what I was trying to get across at the top of this page (knowing my luck it'll go onto page 6 now). Obviously we all want these things to stop, but how you differentiate between a real threat and a non. How many others with the same threat level as the Manchester guy exist that will never actually do it? Whats that Tom Cruise film where they get arrested before the crimes take place because of time travel or something. We need that.
  7. No Strudul but a helpful greenlandy sold me one for 15 quid delivered lol.
  8. Jay84


    I guess we take take it for granted, being on an island like we are, our boarders are a bit easier to control
  9. Jay84


    Yeah I don't fancy a world war, am I too old to be conscripted? JP is right that these things should be stopped and punishment needs to be tough for those caught. I personally don't know how you can ensure that the person you arrest is the right person without catching them with a bag of bombs. We're upgraded to critical now, maybe that'll give more power to question less questionable search history. As coldel has said, I want it to end, but can't see what more we can do, where do we escalate it to next? I guess that's why I don't run the country.
  10. Jay84


    Fortunately all I have to hide is my Zeditus addiction...and a couple of other things, but nothing the government care about, just the wife lol.
  11. Might even pick them up this time rather than have you transport them to Burton lol
  12. I think I need these for mine, do they come gloss black like that?
  13. Jay84


    The old Testament suggests killing your kids to prove faith. If mine keep pushing me, it won't even be to prove anything lol
  14. Jay84


    It does seem like ISIS et al are doing what we did in the crusades in the robin hood era: follow our religion or die. For me religion is up there with Santa, nice when you're a kid making death seem less tragic, providing basics of how to be a good person etc, but a little redundant after childhood. I know people who are religious though, and would never try to stop them being, as long as they don't waste there breath making me start being.
  15. Loved DD and GT lol. I admire the attention to detail on converting the PS1, very cool.
  16. Its true, I am mega stressed. Kids bumped it up again lol
  17. Azure blue. Saw you about 18.25. I was in company car though do you didn't give a second look.
  18. How do you get exp of modified cars these days? Don't get me wrong I've had them for the past lots of years, but it seems these days people keep getting refused from lack of exp.
  19. Tell them you're married see if it makes a difference. The problem is they won't believe a married person has a modified car lol
  20. I'll give you £10, a Mars bar and a bottle of Ouzo for Crete Selling him his own ouzo
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