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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. The man has an EV, he won't burn it .
  2. Yes love I'll take you to town, I need to make sure the xbox still works anyway.
  3. Excellent response time I agree. Late night too when people tend to not be at there best. I hear they've all had leave cancelled though which must put them under a lot of strain. Fully agree we need to work close with the Muslim community to prevent our own nutters surfacing. Will be interesting to see how it all affects the GE
  4. I thought i was just me that had to do this
  5. I think i put it in the other thread...or maybe faceache, but yeah chances are it does happen, but it doesn't make the papers because 'Mr X was arrested yesterday for questioning and was found to be innocent in every way' is hardly riveting journalism.
  6. They come on with side, but stay on for dipped etc
  7. I'm with you there, I'm a head banger too. We do unite very well under adversity in the country though don't we.
  8. Obviously I don't tell the SO, she'd just say we don't need the zed
  9. Plus most recycling centres require you to have a license to turn up in a van. We loved our zaffy fill it like a van, drive it like a car.
  10. Have You seen the velocity stacks for the non rev up DE's? That might give a bit more too. I've got a similar set up on my rev up, HFC'S plenum spacer and KnN panel filter.
  11. Uprated panel filter next then pal.
  12. 1. Andy James x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass, track time 10.40,13.40 PAID 2. 14N x1 Club Entry Ticket, Stand Pass and another free t-shirt PAID 3. Panman 4. buster 5. Valy 6. simonb_350z 7. KPowell 8. Mr P, x2 Club entry tickets, x1 Vehicle pass, track time 11:40, 15:20 PAID 9. Twinturboz 10.Justthejedi 11. Shire 12. Ollydykins 13. Tomb 14. Jay84 2x club entry, 1x vehicle pass. Paid. 15. Modo 16. ElliotBZ33 count me in 17. Zebedy 18. LewisH x2 Club entry ticket, x1 vehicle pass. PAID 19. chippychip123 20. Humpy - 1 x club entry ticket, 1 vehicle pass - PAID 21. Shezza
  13. Derby is similar, we have Rolls Royce, and although they do the obvious commercial aviation bit, they are also major contributors to the Nuclear Sub division, and I assume military aircraft.
  14. Jay84


    Completely agree with Carbon, I've not played shift though. I quite like the one that came out last year, the name of which escapes me, and I'm just about to leave work so CBA to google
  15. Jay84


    I liked the way the cars drove in Pro Street. I admit it didn't have the 'underground' scene you got from the rest and the fun of being chased by the police, bu simple things like having to opposite lock on the drifting made it for me. Going to other titles with drifting was disappointing as every time I opposite locked the drift would stop, even forza doesn't drift as good as PS. Edit: I admit this makes me sound like an armchair drifter, and I feel no shame
  16. Jay84


    Pro street was my fave NFS. This one looks good though, and in time for christmas
  17. You need the patience of a saint waiting for the tiger seal alone to hold properly, and nothing to clamp them to. I tried at work and gave up as the phone kept ringing. Got to get rear spoiler fitted soon, so will kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
  18. I think that was Steve's point Everyone just assumes im an idiot That is tragically heartbreaking combined with that emoji.
  19. Did you here the French guy (president?) use Trumps own slogan against him? All Trump kept saying was lets make America great again, the French guy closed his interview with lets make the world great again. Unfortunately I don't think Trump get irony
  20. Jay84


    The problem is language is always changing. Going back to Stu's word gay, it used to mean happy, then became homosexual, than became slang for rubbish, I'm no longer down with the kids so might mean fish now, for all I know. I guess the context of most words has more of an impact, how and when they're used. If some one is squaring up to me and called me a white milky fu***r, id be offended. If my black mate called it me in the pub over a beer, i'd laugh.
  21. Jay84


    Turn the other cheek? Its difficult to do that, and I tell my daughters to stand up for themselves and give as good as you get.
  22. Jay84


    The difficulty is, if you call an Indian man a Paki, that's very offensive as the 2 cultures don't get along. I guess that as language evolves meanings change, and what starts off as short hand and abbreviation starts getting used as an insult, then becomes offensive to use.
  23. Jay84


    Didn't know that about Japan, so i consider myself enlightened, cheers . I agree some people use genuine concerns as a mask, but then others I suppose get accused of it when they're genuine.
  24. Jay84


    An interesting point Stu. I'm not exactly pining for them, but do you feel any frustration that as a country we are openly ridiculed by other nationalities in the above mentioned ways, I'm sure (but can't prove it) even in mainstream media? Just because as a country we have a great sense of humour and can laugh at ourselves, its ok for others to laugh too, but we can't laugh at them? Kind of a tongue in cheek ending to this, because in all honesty, yes its annoying, but i don't loose sleep: look at how we're ridiculed at Eurovision. Are we really that sh*t? Hells Naw
  25. Jay84


    Basically referring to any people or culture by a nickname is considered bad, eg 'Chink' 'Yank' and the obvious for anyone from the Pakistani country. Apparently they don't like it. But, conversely, are more than happy to call us: Limey, Guailo (Chinese for white devil), Gajin (thank you Tokyo drift), Pomme, Brit etc etc. If it wasn't for gingers, we'd have no one to nickname in this way.
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