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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. It's in the Collins. gullible in British (ˈɡʌləbəl ) adjective easily taken in or tricked We're you being ironic to get me to look you little scamp
  2. What span and width? I might be interested, even if it is a bit off topic
  3. I'll give that a miss then. My SO doesn't want to watch Altered Carbon anymore (may be too much T&A and naked James Purfoy), we watched The Blacklist s2 last night.
  4. I dated a girl who refused to believe that man had even left the planet, no moon landings, no space station, nothing. It was all justa big conspiracy. Smokin hot though.
  5. Anyone else think the rocket looked a little like the one from Austen Powers?
  6. I have a huge soft spot for the Integras, and would pick that in a heart beat. It has the rarity on the road factor too, that the other selection doesn't have.
  7. http://yournewswire.com/russian-kid-claims-he-is-from-mars-says-that-all-humans-live-forever/ Saw this on facebook the other day...its where I get all my news. But kid believes people live underground on Mars.
  8. The end of chapter chase scene from the game Quantum Break
  9. Oh god yes it's worth perusing. Costs are varied though, they're getting on a bit now and some of the bigger repairs are coming up ie clutch. When you buy one get a thorough check done on it, make sure cooling fans work and check the underside and arches for the onset of rust. If you can, buy from someone on here as there will be decent history from a passionate owner.
  10. Welcome along. I like a good project thread.
  11. Just ordered some based on this.
  12. Build rockets to nowhere apparently.
  13. So much money it loses all value.
  14. It was scrolling up the screen Star Wars style , yeah it looks awful and I was nearly sick in my mouth reading it. Over population is a worry, but so is oceanic pollution (thanks Blue Planet) and deforestation, surely they're easier fixes than some of us moving to mars.
  15. My cousin was, he did a tour in Afgan'. He really enjoyed it, and he got some serious cash from it too. He got paid by Rolls Royce during his tour, army pay, and lived on basic rations. He got back and bought a house, not bad for a 18 yr old. Not sure about the making friends bit though, he's a bit odd. Not sure I could do it, being the pacifist (wimp) that I am, but all power to those that do.
  16. I'm sort of ok with the pace, its the affordability and access that the 'every man' has to them. The blinding acceleration that is the party trick is great, but doesn't appeal to the every man. Make it cheaper than a Mondeo, not faster than a Ferrari and I'd see the appeal. Sorry there is whole thread for this. Back to rockets: If they are delivering large payload satellites, building a moon base (more viable than a mars one in my eyes) then fair enough. But you have to start somewhere, we can't go from concept to Mars with no test flights.
  17. His goals are to reduce global warming through sustainable energy and reduce the chance of human extinction through making life multi-planetary. Think life on Mars! Make his vision, your vision. Allow ElonMuskVision.com to guide you along Musk's journey and perhaps let him change the way you see the world. Maybe one day we will enjoy a beautiful double sunrise of Soulianis and Rahm over Magrathea…
  18. An interesting point. Surely he could have saved all that cash and made the Tesla cars and Tesla Roof tiles a helluva lot cheaper, thus saving the world/environment. Space travel is exciting, and to a science fiction geek like myself fun. But unless we're bringing back rocks/ice/fuel minerals...
  19. I liked Bright too, but I had the same reaction to Bright as I did Logan, where I felt like they were swearing for swearings sake. I soon got used to it and enjoyed the film though. I looked at the Cloverfield but decided Carbon was more for me.
  20. Well I started on Altered Carbon last night, and I have to say I love it. Seems very gritty in cyberpunk kinda way.
  21. A bit harsh just because he's not well read on Musk isn't it? I think its very impressive getting a rocket into space, and getting satellites to balance on orbit without hitting each other all time is ace. I do think research into other propulsion ideas is needed though, as like as has been mentioned, its a looonnnngg way to Mars
  22. All your sensors measure voltage drop/electrical resistence, I agree with above that it's likely voltage from the alternator, either faulty alt, or loose belts not allowing it to perform at its best.
  23. Would Burton be too much of a trek? There's a place called Facelifts I used to spray and fit my rear spoiler, they're on Wharf Rd Burton.
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