So, in a nutshell, atheists who reject religion, are as bad as the religious for believing what we're told is fact by science, because things such as a spherical planet are too easy to fake using cgi technology, and we can't realistically fly EVERYONE to space to prove it?
Now I've been in an aeroplane or 20 in my time, and I like a little look around. When I tire of or get caught by my wife of the stewardesses, I like to look out of the window. The horizon in definitely curved, therefore I believe the earth to be a globe.
Now I appreciate this is the same as me saying I don't believe in any deity because I personally have never experienced a miracle or heard any other voices in my head than the usual ones.
I can sort of see how how FE'ers (and I fully believe @davey_83 isn't one, but rather playing devils advocate here) can utilise modern technology saying that we've never been in space, its all just sudios and cgi (but they accept we balance satellites in orbit to transmit the images). But the debate is an unwinnable one in the same way religion is. Atheists will always deny God or gods without proof, Theists will always ask what was around before the big bang, where did the matter that existed before the event come from.