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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Love a bit of a discworld book.
  2. I think it looks more like a successor to a Zed than the Supra. I quite like it. I agree some of the dimensions are a little off. From some angles to boot line looks non existent, but looks ok from other angles.
  3. Turbo or Super? There are various set ups of each on here, from rear mount to TT set ups. I know what you mean, there are faster cars, but there is something about the zed that makes you wan tot keep it.
  4. So are you working towards FI?
  5. Welcome along, sounds good. Do you have any pictures?
  6. A ship doesn't sail over a curved hill of water, but the highest point does become visible before the rest.
  7. I'm a little confused about the ship thing. Are you suggesting you don't see the tallest part of the ship 1st, but that the ship was always there and just continues to increase in size the bigger it gets? If that was the case, why bother putting a crows nest at the top of the mast if it doesn't increase your range? And the water doesn't curve, you're right about that, its just pulled vertically to the centre.
  8. However, if the earth was a disc on the back 4 elephants who are in turn on the back of an turtle swimming through space (who's called A'tuin), that explains the curvature.
  9. Have you seen the CAT driver training drift day? Not done it myself but @SuperStu did an awesome write up of it.
  10. Its like that bloody dress all over again...but for petrol heads. The logbook says yellow and the o/s/r bumper supports that, but I still want to say orange
  11. I done drawed a picture. It's going on the fridge when I get home...and yes it's a slow work day.
  12. Also, haven't Russia and others been into space? If there was a chance for a cold war era Russia to discredit NASA, they'd seize upon it.. stand by for my picture summing up globe earth.
  13. Stand on the coast of Wales, and all you can see is sea, go up to Snowdon on a clear day, you can see Ireland with the naked eye. On a flat earth, with the right telescope you'd see Ireland from the coast. This is because on the spherical planet, height extends the horizon line. On a flat planet you'd see Ireland from the coast of wales. Being up Snowdon and seeing the Ireland already proves that the naked eye is strong enough to cover the distance.
  14. So, in a nutshell, atheists who reject religion, are as bad as the religious for believing what we're told is fact by science, because things such as a spherical planet are too easy to fake using cgi technology, and we can't realistically fly EVERYONE to space to prove it? Now I've been in an aeroplane or 20 in my time, and I like a little look around. When I tire of or get caught by my wife of the stewardesses, I like to look out of the window. The horizon in definitely curved, therefore I believe the earth to be a globe. Now I appreciate this is the same as me saying I don't believe in any deity because I personally have never experienced a miracle or heard any other voices in my head than the usual ones. I can sort of see how how FE'ers (and I fully believe @davey_83 isn't one, but rather playing devils advocate here) can utilise modern technology saying that we've never been in space, its all just sudios and cgi (but they accept we balance satellites in orbit to transmit the images). But the debate is an unwinnable one in the same way religion is. Atheists will always deny God or gods without proof, Theists will always ask what was around before the big bang, where did the matter that existed before the event come from.
  15. The lips go over the top (just under the grill) and hang down in front of it.
  16. Watch out as they also help keep the undertray in place. There is a series of screw things holding it place under the bumper
  17. That's because its the Illuminati.
  18. It looks pretty decent to be fair, Wonder how it is mechanically.
  19. I can see his letter home now: Dearest Yvonna (Yvonna Cook get it?), I've been foiled by the weather in finding my way to the southern frozen lands once again due to extensive damage to the ship, and find myself on a relatively small tropical island awaiting the locals to harvest enough timber to repair the ship. Its too hot here and wearing all those layers you packed is somewhat redundant. The locals have precious little here except coconuts that seem to be fermented, but its all that is safe to drink. It could be month or even 2 before we are ready to set sail again. All my Love, Cookie p.s. How are the 6 kids getting on? xx
  20. I honestly thought it was yours up for sale looking at the title
  21. Or investigating grass skirted topless native girls
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