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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Nah, no fleet jobs on a Saturday, and no one seems to want to spend today. Brakes gone, tyres bald, but I'll have my wheels balanced kind of day. Did you know the Russians made an aeroplane that was designed to skim the water like a boat?, it was called the Ekanoplan, and worked through ground effect, that was a flying boat...sort of.
  2. Yeah I don't have the measurements at those points, juggling work and fun here lol. In your boat video, the boat clearly disappears from the base up? Or did I miss something? Also, what was the height of the observer, the height of the boat? We know that a camera is less powerful than the eye, I've taken pictures of things I can see to get the picture developed(yes I'm old)/transferred to computer and found the subject missing, so what lense was used? No you can't see the boats at normal zoom, but that's normal for a camera. I believe the tilt would be impossible to see/quntify with he naked eye. With a powerful laser tracker thing, you could point it at the base of the boat near the horizon, then go to a height matching the top most part of the boat and try again and in theory the mast should be a few inches further away at the top than it is at the base. So you'd need 2 identical boats in perfectly flat conditions that don't move and try it that way. An oil rig would work thinking about it.
  3. I think they do go over a curve, but the scale of the planet vs the height of the mast means its not visible to the naked eye. Now if you were to extend the height significantly then it would be visible. I'm fairly sure there is a bridge that is so far above sea level that the top of the towers are further apart than the bottom due to the curvature of the earth (its the Humber). But if you looked at it with the naked eye, they towers are perfectly parallel. To give you an idea, its 36mm further apart at the top than it is the bottom, and the tower is over 500ft tall. So a height of 500ft gives a difference of less than 2 inches. With a ships mast you'll always be looking at it so it tilts away from you, because as you strafe around it the mast is your focal point it will always be tilting away. How in the hell anyone or anything can detect less than 2 inches accurately from base to tip is beyond me, it will always look perfectly vertical. You're right that a foam seat has air inside it, but the air isn't trapped/perfectly sealed so would escape gradually as the vacuum increased. However the tyres I think would have burst if they were fully inflated. The higher up a balloon goes in the air, the less air pressure causes it to hold its shape, and because the balloon IS sealed it expands until it bursts (the opposite is true if you submerge one). I imagine the roadster tyres were either plastic, or purposefully left uninflated.
  4. Yeah I wonder this. A conspiracy website could screen grab any picture of any planet and just duplicate it. Flip side of the coin: People with the telescopes could doctor the images. Short of inviting them to an observatory multiple times over a few yearsits hard to prove. This thread inspired me to check out the flat earth society facebook page, and some of them have built rockets to go up and investigate. My favourite bit was describing one of them as a self taught rocket engineer . I personally wish him luck and hope he survives.
  5. Although flat earthers would argue there is no spoon. All images are doctored in the same way the earths are.
  6. Believe it or not, Jupiter isn't tooconsistent. Take a look at these pictures, the first taken in 2009 and the secondtaken in 2010: Quite the difference, eh? Why? Jupiter's atmosphere is made of zones and belts. Zones are colder and are composed of rising gases; they are dark-colored. Belts are warmer and are composed of falling gases; they are light-colored. The reason the two don't intermix is because of constant flows of wind, similar to the Jetstream. These winds make it hard for bands to mix.
  7. Like all of the debates there is as much info saying it never changes as there is saying it does. Allegedly it is observable from a terra firma based telescope to see the vortex move, it rotates anti clockwise over the course of six days. It's still raging after 100s of years due to it pulling in hot gas from the top and cold from the bottom replenishing its energy, a similar thing happens on earth where oceanic vortices can last for years.
  8. No limit on spaces, the more people pay up, the bigger area we get. Although the more of us turn up the earlier we need to arrive to get a good spot lol
  9. I feel your pain buddy, the more you do to try and help, the more people try and take advantage, and some industries make it difficult to tell the customer that they're wrong or being a bell end. I'm a non technical Garage Manager for a big orange company, meaning I didn't work my way up through the tools. My Assistant Manager has worked his way up, is fully qualified and an MOT tester. I find it soul destroying when I have to tell him how to fix things. When the apprentice was telling him how to fix things, I didn't think much of it as he's very capable and not the least bit work shy, but when I have to tell him bits...a little piece of me dies each time. It's difficult having no-one to vent to when things are like that, you need a 'bro' you can go for a pint with and vent to. When my SO and I were on the verge of splitting up again, I went for a beer with my cousin and he listened to me vent. Sometimes he agreed, sometime he said I was being childish (which I totally wasn't lol). Have you got anyone like that? I'd volunteer but I live in Derby and am on kid sitting duty while the wife goes out to karaoke in Notts at a rock club.
  10. I took mine that way last May when the wife went on holiday with the kids. Looking to do the same again this May one evening. I work in Burton with mine @Lanky so close to Ashby too (I serviced and MOT'd Foxy's Zed for him too).
  11. I think its because that's all the shuttle was ever designed for, it doesn't physically have the range to go to the moon and back. They don't have the Apollo style rockets as they were a use once deal. If they didn't intend to go to the moon again, and there is nothing in between, why build long range rockets when the shuttle does all that's required?
  12. I'm going to try and make some events this year too. Once I get my Sundays back that is. If you do this one again, I'll try and pop along.
  13. Did they develop them or did they just stick a vw lump in a pre existing body? Mercedes diesel a class has the same k9k engine as a Clio and the amg versions is just trim do it wouldn't surprise me if Porsche did the same.
  14. The wife has approved now to mate sure I'm not at work.
  15. Mk1 Golf then a K reg Corsa SRi. But all it got me was a ruined car(cars) and unwanted police attention. I don't go to that kind of meet in my Zed...but I am old now
  16. Yeah sorry, I did seem kinda ranty. The video mentioned CGI and religion, I picked up on that thread. I think with the billions of people on the planet it is likely that there are enough that look similar, esp after you add 20 ish years to the original pictures from NASA. Yes the video suggests the names are similar, but I don't think that's proof enough. I do feel that if the astronauts really weren't on the shuttle, they wouldn't be allowed in the public eye like some of them obviously are, and the names wouldn't be that similar. My point about CGI was more along the lines that picking holes in that clip, is the same as what that clip is doing to NASA images. Its easy to pick holes claiming video clips are fake/doctored, how do we know the people in the clip actually have those names, just because that guy says they do? Did you know there is also a Hollow Earth theory?
  17. 4 screws in each wheel arch, the few you can see under the bonnet, and its best to remove the little lip thing underneath that the undertray is secured to. Then each reflector has 2 screws holding it in. The bumper is heavier at the front and has a tendency to roll forward, so it's worth having a blanket or something to lie it on...although thinking about it it needs to be nose down to remove the reflectors. Its fairly straight forward to do though. A bit easier with the front end off the ground as you have turn the wheels lock to lock for easier access.
  18. The irony of using a video to prove a different video is faked is rather funny. "All space launches are fake and its CGI, but now look at my non fake CGI video." In the same way he denounces all NASA video as fake, why can't we do the same about his? Why is his video more credible than a NASA/USSR video? He doesn't display the Astronauts doppelganger image complete with ID and birth certificate, and if he did, it would be easy enough to denounce THAT as CGI. As previously stated, this is an unwinnable argument when it comes down to media analysis, and we might as well be arguing about which is the one true God. My feelings that the earth is spherical is based upon the maths of a changing horizon based on height, which is provable. I do believe we have been to space, as to denounce space as fake but still be able to see the space station when it orbits most nights is ludicrous. The guys argument seems to be that scientists are faking space travel to prove evolution and denounce God. He's perfectly happy to accept that everything seen on TV is fake, but able to accept that the Bible, that has a myriad of interpretations and versions, and is ultimately just a book is not fake. Now I'm happy for people to be religious, or even not, but I get really frustrated with people who try to force there views onto people, through threats (hell or violence) or trickery (trying to disprove science) or by being overly preachy. Ricky Gervais annoys me as much as any religious preacher.
  19. No mate, the more people sign up and pay, the bigger stand we get.
  20. Last year it was about a month before the date, but the deadlines are on the japfest website.
  21. Why do such a half arsed job with the name change? If they really weren't in the rocket, they'd have been forced to have a proper name change like if they were in the witness protection programme. These people believe everything can be faked, and the only way to prove it to them would be to fly them up there, in the same way the only way to prove to an atheist there is a God would be for them to meet a deity. But even then both parties would blame it on a hallucination.
  22. I'll 2nd that, I agree it was an improvement. Some of it was still cringe worthy, but the new test driver is a much better choice and the non studio bits were also good. I'll keep watching it. The new TG is back soon too right? S2 of this was better than S1
  23. Forum Name Car Reg No Colour Museum only Museum, Hotel & evening meal 1 andy james 350z AJ07 ZZZ Silver Paid 2 buster + 1 350z V80BSV Blue Paid 3 Nso93 370z T9 NSO Grey Museum only 4 Shezza 350z B9 MAS Black Paid 5 Rickdon + 1 370z WF63 UKG White Paid 6 Z370Z +1 370z AJ04 MOR BLUE Paid 7 Humpy 370Z N12SRA Blue Booked Hotel room 8 Flashback 350Z HJ54TBZ Blue Museum, Hotel Booked 9 N15GTE +1 370Z N15 GTE White Booked Hotel Room 10 Jay84 350z pk06tuu black pending authority from the wife
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