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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. Yeah I have one of these, especially handy when camping or on a portable stove. Sounds ace I always wanted to move to Canada.
  2. Jeez Dan, no wonder you don't like coffee .
  3. Yeah its one of these I'm thinking about.
  4. See i've not really been sold on the pod revolution, I like the control of adjusting the amount of grounds I get. I know I could just buy the relevant pods, but it doesn't seems quite the same to me.
  5. D'oh just seen the bit about adding Zed...sorry
  6. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=L%2fpmYeUA&id=862D96FD9E22CE95332CD80F8E129920CDBE805B&thid=OIP.L_pmYeUA84196RJEIezJRAHaEL&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimage.ec21.com%2fimage%2fgreatinf%2foimg_GC04047645_CA04047646%2fInflatable_Car_Cover.jpg&exph=316&expw=560&q=inflatbale+car+cover&simid=608029365357839159&selectedIndex=7&qpvt=inflatbale+car+cover&ajaxhist=0
  7. Covers are good if you can make sure the car is completely free of dust and grit. Other wise as the wind and rain hit it it moves the grit around and causes more damage than no cover at all. You can get inflatable car covers that I quite like the idea of but am having trouble convincing the SO its a good idea.
  8. I'm a massive coffee addict and can't get out of the house without a strong one. I've been using a filter machine for the past 8 years that hasn't steered me wrong yet. But I crave that freshness that can only come from a bean to cup machine, and since I can get 1gk for £8 from costco (its £3 for 250g at Tesco). I want a machine where I can just push a couple of buttons and my coffee is dispensed 30 seconds later without me faffing with filling with water and grounds. I've been looking at a DeLonghi Esam 5500, and some Jura units. The problem is some of the Jura units are over £1k...imagine what I could do to the Zed with that. So, who else is a coffee addict? What machines do you use? Jay
  9. @zippypooz this is the thread I mentioned on the phone last Saturday mate. Did they sort your new HU?
  10. Love the way they're bobbing their heads like some sort of musical where stuff is about to go down.
  11. I agree with the Golf R, but I can't get away from some of the Sport Wagons BMW and Audi do. When I was a younger man I was a sucker for the Mitsi Legnum.
  12. I don't know enough about compression, but my techs said if one of your cats is failing it could lead to over fuelling on that bank, an emissions test would show that. Halfords do a fuel service which is a cleaner and an emissions test, it's 35 quid and won't mean logging the car on to an mot. If your cats are standard it should pass.
  13. Jay84

    MOT History

    Mot fail is for pads to be below 1.5mm which is about the thickness of 5p. There is no obligation to have service advisories carried out, but you can't pass an mot without fixing the fails or taking it elsewhere. Discs is excessive corrosion. Wheels don't come of for an mot so it's whatever can be seen with the wheels on.
  14. It could be that a sensor has gone down and is showing inaccurate readings, more/colder air than its actually going in and the car is pumping the fuel accordingly. Is there anyone that can emissions test it for you?
  15. Jay84

    MOT History

    Agree with Jetpilot, I run a test station and the legal hoops we have to jump through are crazy. I've had the DVSA do a full MOT with one of my testers before, I've never seen someone panic so much. The best thing is, it was on my mum's mx5
  16. Neither mate, I'm fairly certain they're all 2JZ Toyota parts
  17. HR's have occasional issues with the oil gallery gaskets. I've heard with the rev ups some consume a fair bit, other hardly any, but not sure on the cause. If you can try and test all 3 versions, but a comprehensive service history is the best thing to look out for.
  18. Possibly, but I DO know its not as big as when I were a lad
  19. Nice shot @davey_83, it looks like a chrome wrap it's so shiny. The rev up is a mix of both, you get the HR interior bumper and headlights, without the engine and bonnet. Some are renowned for using a bit of oil, but I've done 4k in mine last year and not used any. But it's good to check the oil regular in any car, but especially a rev up.
  20. Jay84

    MOT History

    If it was the current one you may have a slight chance, but a lot of the time is tester discretion and if the garage has a good rating dvsa would do nothing. The fact that it isn't on the current one suggests that is issue is rectified and if a buyer knows zeds they'd not be put off.
  21. I love Taskmaster on Dave. I know it's not a programme like a sitcom but it's brilliant. I used to love red dwarf as a kid but the wife doesn't really like it so I don't get to watch it these days. Same with Bottom, I thought Rik was awesome and the live specials when it used to go wrong were hilarious...but the wife.
  22. 2016 Astra for work and i love it, but it does the mileage and I'm not averse to thrashing it every now and again. Although at 30k the internal slave has gone so it's having a new kit, master cylinder and all new clutch lines... thank good for warranty lol.
  23. They have their place, but a lot of then are owned by people who were sold on the economy but then use them to go a couple of miles a day. That's what kills diesels.
  24. Ultimate devil's advocate. I do feel we're starting to go round in circles now though. We all keep presenting evidence we've found online. Was it the film Dogma where Chris Rock says it's better to have ideas than beliefs as you can change an idea but harder to change a belief.
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