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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. But we're allowed dammit . Yeah I guess the Sun newspaper would make a mountain out of a mole hill with that kind of thing.
  2. Not to mention flying their cold war relics in our airspace so we scramble our fighters, apparently that happens quite a lot.
  3. Jay84

    Wheel Nuts

    I got rid of mine for the same reason...and the previous owner had cross threaded one of them. I got the Tarmac Sports Steel Tuner in black to replace them. https://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/wheel-nuts-accessories/tarmac-sportz-steel-tuner-wheel-nuts-with-spline-key.html
  4. How bad is it? Can you personally tell? Also which panel?
  5. But when its on the horizon what is the angle... oh sorry wrong thread. A stunning boat with an oriental shaped sail, but is that sail configuration more efficient then traditional? And i wonder what the depth of the keel is. My only sailing experience comes from catamarans.
  6. Cheers Andy. I thought it would be either used as discount for this year or given to the club. Either way it's win win.
  7. I wondered that, I just assumed they discounted it off the club stand price this year.
  8. Gangzoom trying to get us back on track . I can't believe we're still debating flat earth. We're going over the same points over and again. The mast/ship IS at a different angle to ourselves when on the horizon to ourselves, but because of the scale of this planet and the fact it tilts away from us it isn't measurable with eye or lense. If you fly none stop in one direction, you WILL end up back where you started. Why would our planet be flat but the moon sun and other planets are all spheres? The ISS can be seen zooming over head at night, so it's up there. Time zones, magnetic north pole, gravity... the list is endless.
  9. Terraced houses with no drives and cables running over the pavement. I imagine those circumstances would restrict a potential EV owner. Or people who live in flats I guess. I wonder what the ratio to people with driveways to those without is. The new Leaf just needs to look like the new Micra, I think that's quite a nice looking car, especially in black.
  10. Good point well made about range v power GZ, but it's all that ever gets used in marketing, including the Tesla truck. I fully expect to see range improve, and realistically it'll be at a faster rate than the range increased on the 1st ICE cars.
  11. Anyone going to japfest that wants to save a fiver on forum wear can put your orders in until the 22nd April, PayPal in advance and I'll bring it with me. The new 370z design is also available.
  12. I completely agree with Dan on this. I can see the benefits of appealing to car fanatics as a marketing ploy, but bonkers mode has little real world use... same as launch control on a Merc or Audi I guess. If i could get the same range per charge as my diesel Astra (about 600 miles), or a full day of driving from garage to garage without charge access or time, I'd push for one as a company car. I can see a place for EVs and GZ is right that they're improving. I am still genuinely intrigued about the tax thing though.
  13. In tiny tiny letters top right of the picture.
  14. My car in the street life section of banzai . In a really stretched way, it's in a car mag, boy hood dream right there.
  15. https://www.ft.com/content/0dc01356-58b9-11e7-9bc8-8055f264aa8b 170bn would be ok if the revenue generated ONLY went back into ICE, but let's face it, it covers everything from the emergency services to education and the nhs. Right now you can save tax by driving an EV, but soon they'll tax you on it, they'll have no choice. It's already happening in some US states.
  16. When we all drive EVs will or income tax have to increase? Because I like the idea of non drivers paying more income tax because of a lack of fuel generated revenue.
  17. Spotted @buster driving around Burton today while I was at work. Also spotted a Ginge heading down the a50 between stoke and Derby Saturday, I assume heading home after the overclockers meet. I passed in my black Astra. I need a sticker that says my other car is a Zed so I look less like a nutter waving at Zeds
  18. Welcome along . There is a W brace underneath that test stations like to advise on, you can get aftermarket ones from traders on here, Tarmc Sportz and Torqen. There are also a couple of member traders that regularly brake Zeds you can alsorts of bits from. Another place to check is the insides of the wheel arches. When I bought mine I checked out a lot of different Zeds before I settled. A good history with the vehicle is more important than mileage, other than that, check out the buyers guides on this form, there will be lots of other great bits of advice on there.
  19. What you need is a club hoodie with national event organiser on the left chest.
  20. Then it'll just be the 'simple' job of organising us into track time and non on the day
  21. The drivers eye view doesn't seem great either with a massive blind spot in front of you.
  22. I also think they're more for indoor use of you have a dusty garage etc.
  23. I'm stuck with a kettle at work and micro ground instant mix. Lavazza is a good one.
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