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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. It reminds me of Freeside from Neuromancer; a huge holiday space station.
  2. When I replaced mine I had a look on tarmac sportz sure you see if I coughs find a matching set, one of mine wad cross threaded. I'd it's an ex member you bought from there is a good chance the nuts cane from tarmac or torqen.
  3. Isn't it the 50th anniversary of the zed chassis next year? How many of us will turn up then
  4. I find my zed quite frugal, it's a car that'll easily do 30 in 5th and pick up speed by breathing on the loud pedal if you need to. I also find using the cruise control economical even on town driving. That being said when I want a cheap economy run I use my diesel.
  5. Welcome. Nice to see more Derby owners popping up, I can see a meet coming up soon.
  6. Don't be, it was my fault, we're together again now, and all is good... until zed parts arrive
  7. Davey, all power to you. It is NEVER my intention to dissuade people of their faith, and on this thread you don't come across as preachy or as someone desperate to convert me, so thank you for that. In my head I can be a good person without faith or desire of reward of an afterlife, or fear of reprisal if I'm not. That said I messed that up and as a consequence didn't a year apart from my wife and kids, so maybe I can't do it without faith.
  8. It's an interesting concept the question of proof I guess. I don't agree with what parts of some religions condone, so if one was proved real, i think I'd be profoundly disappointed. With the state of the world, things like stoning, murder in a gods nave etc. In a nutshell, if it was proven that Jesus existed, or any of the others, I'd believe they existed, but could not bring myself to follow. I'd be damned because of it, I know that, but id die knowing I lived in a way that caused no harm to others and was in the grand scheme of things a good ish person. I don't think you need religion to be a good person.
  9. I was there too and saw that one. I saw a silver 1 too. I was in my Astra though.
  10. Is it cloudy or does it have moisture inside it? Some products here, one tested by myself.
  11. LFE services at 6 am ish, we'll aim to leave there no later that 6.10.
  12. Awesome, LFE will be a good place to meet but I imagine we'll hit the a50/m1 at similar times Buster.
  13. Are you called Mark Chester, are you from Chester or is it both?
  14. Not sure on time, what time is best to get to Silverstone bearing in mind there will be about 100 of us?
  15. Horsham, Abbey or TDI north are your best bets, it's around 400-500 quid. I've not had it done though so I'm not your best answer.
  16. Depends what size you fit. I think the half inch one is fine. As to the gains, it's better when you combine with an uprev map.
  17. Unfortunately you only get the one sealant wipe. I'd allow a good 4 hours for it to harden though. The garage I was working at was all inside so it was kept inside and warm and dry, id advise doing it on a warm dry day if doing it outside. Edit: re-read your post and my answer makes no sense sorry. Well I ordered a second kit so next time we fail a car on no beam image due too cloudy headlights I'll leave the sealing cloth out after use.
  18. I'll be heading down the m1 from the East Mids airport junction. There is a service station if anyone wants to meet there and head down together. Or there is Leicester Forest East services to pick up anyone from that area.
  19. Back on topic but the wipes look identical, the 2nd wipe she uses that clears them is the same slightly brown of the optima wipe.
  20. Hmmm maybe ECP should upgrade their advertising from me on a forum, to someone easy on the eye.
  21. Have you seen the electric ae86 drift car in this month's Banzai?
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