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Everything posted by Jay84

  1. A bit of a grey area as technically you're driving with known faults or defects, but the mot checker system only shows the expiry date. MOT history shows most recent test though. The problem with having a rigid can't drive if it fails rule, it's dodgy garages can hold a customer's car hostage forcing them to have work... hence the updated movement rule. As you probably know from your job though Davey, I'm not allowed to return a fleet car if it fails, which can be annoying if I don't have the tyre contract, it means Kwik fit have to fit a tyre on my forecourt and that can take a day or 2.
  2. It's got to be better than traxx . Grass is ok if it's dry...
  3. Or still choose to not follow one at all.
  4. There's that loop again. Prove the world is flat, prove it isn't.
  5. In fairness I think tadpoles to frogs is a bad example as is caterpillar to butterfly, both of those are metamorphosis rather than the change in DNA to eventually create a new species. Do you say that human size and shape had been a constant Davey? Because there is evidence to the contrary as Coldel had pointed out. And If you acknowledge that we have changed, what would you call that change?
  6. If the world even is that old . I've watched the Big Bang Theory and yes I can see some scientists fudging results, but mainly to get credit or surpass a rival who is also close to publication rather than dupe the world. But it's never one scientist finding 1 bit of evidence, it's loads of them. Speaking of loops, we have moved our talk from flat earth to evolution, but the loss are the same. Being challenged to think is never a bad thing though, and things are staying civil.
  7. Open to all really. It's another question that can't physically be proven, so I imagine Davey believes we're alone. I personally don't, big assed solar system, each star is a sun, our sun has 9 planets, mathematically we can't bee the only planet with lucky cosmic parking.
  8. Out of curiosity, what is the ET consensus? I don't mean; do you believe rednecks have been probed, but do you think in the vastness of space we are the only planet to sustain life?
  9. They've always done that. I think Davey's issue is the lack of evidence to the speculation we lost our gills. His argument could also be that if our appendix has no function, why haven't we evolved to a point where we are no longer born with them. I personally like evolution, despite the lack of x men running around. Survival of the best equipped to deal with an environment works for me. The idea that an animal was born as a genetic defect that found a comfortable environment is quite cool.
  10. They even have a bob sleigh team.
  11. Well mine is a high mileage rev up and it was the original slave. 30 mins of stop start would send or spongy, or a couple of hours on the road then traffic would do it. But even queuing in to japfest although or was close I still made it. But it did get progressively worse through time. I'd say of you have no issues, why spend?
  12. The non hr ones are a week link, causing spongy non returning clutch pedal, esp when getting hot in stop start traffic. If your doing the line, it's worth doing the slave at the same time
  13. Leicester Forest East service station south bound. The more the merrier .
  14. External slave is worth doing too. I got mince from tarmac sportz along with the hose and I'm fairly certain they have a recommended fluid too. I think I've seen it all on torqen too.
  15. Mule? Zorse? Pretty sure a fox shares genetic ties to cats and dogs. As what Steve has said, but where both survive they become variations in the same family. That's why there are so many sprcies of shark, dog, cat etc
  16. Evolution isn't like X-Men...unfortunately, no lungs that can breathe underwater or awesome eyes. But evolution to the human condition is happening, we're taller, lazier, less hairy (except me), more dexterous. Our capacity to grasp new ideas and advance our technology is staggering composted with just 50 yrs ago. Evolution is the passing down of genetic markers, and ideas. An evolved lung would start off as a genetic defect, but if it didn't kill the owner the info would be passed down. What would be your reasoning that people across the world look different depending on climate and conditions when we all spawned from just 2?
  17. He wouldn't change into another species, but if he took up with a local lady, his kids would be a mix of genetics. Then the next generation would also likely marry a local (further migrations not withstanding), and the the UK based genes get watered down further. Evolution doesn't happen over night .
  18. True it can't, but consider cats and dogs. Is it reasonable to suggest there are enough similarities that they could come from the same genetic genesis? One where climbing ability was no longer necessary forming a canine, and another where it is forming feline? A dog wouldn't give birth to a chicken but it could move away from what is recognised as being dog today. Evolution has never said the change happens over night, in the same way you described the 6 days of creation as not betting days as we see them. I agree the pyramids are awesome, with a lot of how did they do that, as is Stonehenge... but intricate they're not. Although I guess you could argue nothing intricate can stand the test of time.
  19. Evolution doesn't mean it changes in its lifetime, but over 1000s of years natural selection and environmental conditioning causes an animal to thrive in an environment, causing said creature to look and behave different to it's ancestors. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3480780/How-humans-changed-man-s-best-friend-pictures-100-years-breeding-changed-dog-breeds-not-better.html This is how dog breeds have evolved over the last 100yrs, and yes humans have caused this hence the short time span. But if the changes were environmental, such as a shift in temperature or the extinction of a natural predator/prey, the strongest or best suited to the new conditioning would survive and pass it on as it breeds. Is that not evolution? Also look at the way humans adapt over time. Do you think 4000 years ago we'd have the dexterity to type on a keyboard?
  20. Anyone who wants forum wear without postage, put orders in over the next 2 weeks and I'll bring to japfest. I'll have a selection of t's with me anyway.
  21. We only had 1 successful meet because of the weather, but I'm keen to start them again, the idea was to do one a month. I guess we'd be looking at mid may, but depends how people feel it being hot on the heels of japfest.
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