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Everything posted by Jack94

  1. That's my problem too! I'm a perfectionist so I'm never happy unless something is absolutely spot on 😅 The Rupes nano definitely does seem to be rated as one of the best, and very versitile with the changeable heads, battery or corded etc. Very expensive though and not sure I'd have need for half the bits included. The hexlogic pads seem really popular so might get one to try out and see how I get on 😊 Yep I think you may well have just bought into their marketing hype, I might end up doing the same, we shall see 😂 That carbon certainly looks a lot better after a couple of passes 😍 Do you guys use masking tape to cover up trims etc when doing a whole car?
  2. Looks great in black on white! Best of luck with your ownership, once you start the mods it's hard to stop...
  3. The hard rev limiter is 6500 on DE's, 7000 on Revups. The shift light is customisable though, so you can set it to flash at whatever rpm you want.
  4. Sounds simple enough! I saw you can buy specific pad cleaning devices but guessed this was just a marketing ploy. Okay great, in that case I might get a scholl neo honey spider pad to see what all the fuss is about. Good to know it's the same principles with carbon or plastic. I guess when working with any new surface it's safest to start off with the least aggressive combo until you work out how hard it is, then you can always step things up.
  5. Okay phew, you had me confused there for a moment. Definitely sounds easier to have a few pads and swap them as you go rather than having to stop and properly clean/dry a single one. Do you use anything specific when cleaning the pads after use? Everyone seems to rave about the Scholl Neo honey spider pad used with S30+ but they don't offer it in smaller sizes sadly. If using multiple sizes of pad is it important to stick with the same brand/model to get consistent results? You mentioned the Rupes and Flex machines are different to DAS6 machines before, how so? Also got a couple more questions (apologies if they're stupid ones)... My R8 has carbon fibre side blades, can they be polished using the same product/process? Similarly are there any differences when polishing a painted plastic bumper compared to a painted metal (in my case aluminium) panel?
  6. Thanks yeah I'm not a member but do regularly browse detailing world when I'm looking for product reccomendations etc. Tonnes of useful info on there but I agree some of it is OTT. I've already got an arsenal of supplies so I think the only things I'll need to buy are the machine, some pads & some polish. I'll be sure to post up some photos once it's all done and sparkling 😄 Perfect. Ideally I'm just looking to use one product and one type of pad for my first attempt, although I might try hex and flat varieties of the same pad just to see if I prefer one or the other. I'm guessing it'd be a good idea to get some smaller pads for the more intricate areas too? Will one of each be sufficient? That makes complete sense, and in that case I agree that removing the imperfections is better than hiding them! Plus if I'm going to all the effort to apply a coating, I'd like it to last as long as possible. I thought a ceramic coating was an LSP? I thought this might be the case. From the reviews I've read the DAS6 Pro is the same machine as the standard DAS6 just improved, but worth the extra money (still less than half the price of the megs offering). The Pro plus is bigger and has a larger throw, which I guess makes bigger panels quicker/easier to deal with but it's not suitable for smaller areas because the smallest backing plate you can put on it is 5". Thanks for the input, the Das6 Pro comes with a 6 metre cable 🙂
  7. Great spot, did this on mine. The way all zed's should have come out the factory!
  8. Lots of very useful info in there, thanks very much! I don't think I'll need a very aggressive compound because the most I'll be trying to remove is very light swirl marks, so I think the S30+ will have more than enough cut. Worked properly should that leave a nice finish ready for sealing? Or would I need to do a final pass with a lighter compound? From what I understand, fillers help reduce the appearance of imperfections, which I thought would be a good thing? Interesting you prefer flat pads over dimpled/hex, are there benefits/drawbacks to each or is it simply personal preference? I think I'll definitely need some smaller pads on some of the more intricate areas, unsurprisingly most demonstration videos only show a flat bonnet being done 😂 Are some machines better than others or are they all pretty much the same? The Meguiars one seems popular but isn't cheap.
  9. It'll be the art pipes causing the volume & drone, so if the bungs don't work out I'd look at replacing them with HFCs. Nearly as free flowing but less/better noise, plus you won't have a headache when it comes to MOT time.
  10. How many sets of wheels!? 😂 Personally I think 20's are too big for the 350z, think my favourite from that selection is the third one down.
  11. So I've always been a detailing enthusiast but been too scared to attempt machine polishing, mainly due to the horror stories you hear of people burning through paint or clear coat after generating too much heat/friction from a rotary polisher. However after doing some research into DA polishers they look far safer and can't really cause any damage unless you're doing something really wrong. I'm looking to buy one ready for when the better weather arrives, so I can give my new R8 a good once over. There's not really any defects in the paint, I'd just like to get it looking as good as possible, so I think a single stage polish with a mild compound should be sufficient? I'd love to hear people's reccomendations on which DA polisher, pads & 1 stage polish to go for 🙂 Here's my plan- Pre wash: Bilt hamber auto foam Decontaminate: Bilt hamber korrosol & auto finesse oblitarate 2 bucket wash: Autoglym bodywork shampoo & conditioner Clay bar: Bilt hamber auto clay Dry: Towel/blow, autoglym rapid detailer as drying aid Single stage DA machine polish: ??? IPA wipedown: Bilt hamber cleanser fluid Wheel sealant: Gtechniq C5 Arch liner dressing: Chemical guys bare bones Ceramic coating: Gtechniq C1 crystal lacquer Happy to consider any suggestions for different products or extra steps. Thanks in advance.
  12. I'm not usually a fan of stanced setups but that's a beauty, especially the second from last photo 👌 GLWTS.
  13. If your clutch/flywheel are well worn and you can afford it you might as well get them replaced at the same time seeing as the gearbox has gotta be pulled to access the CSC.
  14. @ZMANALEX to the rescue
  15. Now that I've sold my zed I've got a few parts which I ended up never needing, all are brand new in their original packaging. - HEL Red braided clutch hose £20. - Stoptech uprated clutch slave cylinder (OEMs ones are a known point and prone to failing). Part #138.42019. £25. - Complete Xtreme stage 1 clutch & single mass lightened flywheel kit £600. Prices are for collection from Warwick, happy to arrange postage at the buyers cost. Thanks for looking.
  16. Haven't got any videos as of yet but I'll try and take a couple when I get a chance! Cheers mate, nice to meet a fellow 350z to R8 convert! I'll send you a PM.
  17. Spent Sunday getting a few odd jobs done on the R8. Washed it for the first time, although due to time constraints only a basic one. In the summer when the weather is better and the days are longer I'll properly decontaminate, clay bar, polish & seal it. Once clean I set about the task of getting the rear bumper back to standard. One of the previous owners decided to spray part of it black with plastidip, I assume to mimic how the V10 looks. It looked alright from a distance, but up close it had bits of white coming through in places, plus I'm not a fan of trying to make a car look like something it's not. It took a pressure washer, some plastidip disolver and a lot of time & effort but I got there in the end. Thankfully there were no nasty surprises underneath and it's back looking OEM, with my new gel plates & private reg on. Next up was to replace the failing engine bay struts with some new ones from SGS, super quick and easy. Last job was to remove the old ipod cable that'd been run into the glove box and fix the non-functioning CD changer, which I guessed were probably connected. I removed the headunit and found a a denison module, which basically fools the car into thinking the connected ipod is the CD changer. Luckily it was all just plug and play so no hassle removing, and hey presto the CD changer is now working. Not much else planned at the moment other than get the engine carbon cleaned (FSI engines are notorious for getting gunked up) and maybe look into whether a remap is worthwhile.
  18. SOLD, went to its new home earlier today, was a mix of emotions watching it drive off. I thoroughly enjoyed owning a zed and it'll definitely be missed, asolutely cracking car that never let me down once in 6 years. Got a few bits and pieces left that I'll post up for sale soon, after that I'll probably still lurk around the forum every now and again!
  19. Or find a "friendly" MOT tester. I thought the general concensus was that HFCs don't tend to last very long on FI zeds.
  20. 99% of parts will be the same so shouldn't have any problems there. Being an import can change insurance prices so might be worth checking that. Also UK spec cars tend to be better specced (leather seats, cruise control, brembo brakes, rays alloys etc).
  21. I know what you mean, if I don't get any interest I might look at getting the arch sorted. The rest of the car and the underside is really clean, just that one arch that's letting it down. I've priced it judging by what else is up for sale at the moment, there's bog standard pre face-lift DEs on Auto Trader for 10k... I'm in no rush having already bought the zed's replacement, so happy to wait for the right buyer to come along.
  22. Hi guys Now that I've collected my new car the zed is up for sale. I'll be very sad to see it go but I don't have the space or need for it anymore. Anyways here's the ebay link- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325489776491?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Co8T9L1SSIe&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=Co8T9L1SSIe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Happy to do a little discount for a fellow forum member.
  23. Cheers guys 🙂 The drive home was mostly busy motorway and the weather was pretty bad so didn't get much of a chance to properly stretch its legs. It drives lovely though! Plenty of power (and traction thanks to quattro), far more refined than the zed, brilliant feel from the gated box & addictive soundtrack from the V8 😍
  24. For ages I've had the itch for a manual V8, and within my budget there were only 2 options I liked- first gen Audi R8 (4.2L) or newish (2018 onwards) Ford Mustang GT. After countless hours of research and viewing/driving both I finally decided on the R8. Found a lovely 2009 example in Ibis White being sold by a small independent specialist car dealer down in London, which I collected today 😁 It's pretty low mileage (46,000), in brilliant condition, got a full service history and nearly every optional extra available (crazy how much stuff was optional on these cars considering they started from 75k back in the day). Only got 1 (crappy) photo of it so far because it's dark and the car is already dirty from a 2 hour drive home in the pouring rain, so I've attached a few from the advert too. Sadly this does mean the zed has to go, but hopefully it'll go to someone who will cherish and enjoy it as much as I have!
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