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Everything posted by Jack94

  1. Jack94

    OEM Back Box

    I'm just north of Oxford so not local at all sadly Thanks for the offer anyway!
  2. Jack94

    OEM Back Box

    As the title states, has anyone got one lying around that they don't need anymore? Must be in good condition with no holes/leaks. Realised today that my back box is no longer attached to the rest of my exhaust because the weld around the flange has completely gone! Thanks.
  3. If this does happen again in the future please put me down, I'd definitely be interested
  4. As the title suggests, I'm after these bits for my Rev-up. Don't mind buying them new but thought it'd be worth an ask on here to see if I can save myself a bit of cash Thanks.
  5. No reply from my pm so still on the lookout..
  6. Thanks Stevo but aren't they different to the circuit sports ones? The mounting kit doesn't look the same.
  7. Thanks guys I've pm'd gizmo
  8. These still available anywhere in the UK?
  9. I know this is one of the tiniest, most insignificant parts on the whole car that I'll probably never even use but it's really bugging me that it should be there and it's not! 😂 Anyone have one spare/know where I can get a replacement? Tried searching the Internet but no luck. Cheers. Jack
  10. Jack94

    Boot mat

    £40? http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/78125-genuine-350z-boot-mat-and-nissan-boot-cover-hide/
  11. Jack94

    Boot mat

    Still looking if anyone has one of these mats they no longer want/need- http://www.slm.co.uk/media/nissan/nissanaccessories/850279.jpg Cheers. Jack
  12. Jack94

    Boot Mat

    Hi is this the thick carpet type mat that has 350Z written on it or the thin false floor cover type? Cheers.
  13. Jack94

    Boot mat

    Cheers for the replies but I'm also after the thick one sadly! Thought you'd be able to buy one from Nissan but apparently not. I've searched high and low on the Internet but the only ones I've been able to find are from America, which seems to be different from the UK ones
  14. Jack94

    Boot mat

    Hi all I'm after a genuine boot mat for my coupe if anyone is selling/knows where I can get one? Cheers.
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome guys, glad to be part of the club
  16. Hi everyone Been eyeing up the 350Z for a while now and finally decided to go ahead and buy one a couple of weeks ago. It's a 2007 GT model with the rev-up engine, LMGT4 rims and factory Nismo V1 bodykit. Safe to say so far I love it! I've swapped the headunit for a more capable one and I'm going to get the wheels powdercoated gun metal grey because the lacquer is peeling a bit but other than that I'm going to keep it pretty much standard for now. I might look into some performance mods later down the line once I've done a bit more research on here. Also need to do a bit of reading into clutch replacements as the car's on 47k miles with its original clutch so I suspect that might need doing before long. Cheers. Jack
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