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Everything posted by Jack94

  1. That's what I've got and I think most people go for. As for gains, Google is your friend, there's tons of info out there. Popular opinion seems to be the 06 onwards standard airbox with a decent drop in filter gives the best performance, but a lot of people still go for cone filters or CAIs like the popcharger for the bling/noise. You won't go wrong with any of the member traders on here like Torqen, tarmacsportz etc.
  2. I'd imagine any spacer you buy will come with a set of instructions, my Motordyne one did anyways. In terms of what manufacturer to go for, the kit is pretty simple (essentially just a thick gasket & some bolts/spacers) so I'd imagine they're all similar. Think @reeceybeaney is on about making his own for some forum members so might be worth giving him a shout. Keep in mind a 5/16 inch spacer let's you keep the oem strut brace, anything bigger than that and it won't fit without hitting the plenum/bonnet!
  3. Good point and to be fair I guess it's the way dealerships work that's really the problem. The fact that pay is totally performance/time related encourages the guys to rush through jobs to try and smash out as many hours worth of work as they can, rather than taking their time to do things properly and double check what they've done.
  4. ^This^ I would never take my pride and joy to a an under-skilled, overpriced dealer who frankly don't give a f**k about you or your car. Maybe I've just had bad experiences but I'd 100% travel the distance to a reputable independent every time.
  5. Your friend has told you the complete opposite of what is correct The spacer gives good gains by itself on the DE engines (2002-2006). It still gives good gains on the rev-up engines (2006-2007) but has to be combined with a modified lower plenum like the motordyne MREV2 . Finally, it's useless on the HR engines (2007 onwards) because their inlet manifold is redesigned and doesn't suffer from the same airflow restriction the DE's do. If you're not sure if you've got a DE or rev-up then the easiest way to check is just have a look where the redline for the revs starts- the DE redlines at 6.5k whereas it's 7k on the rev-up.
  6. Pretty sure that was @zippypooz?
  7. Jack94

    Profile question

    Starting to think he works for Michelin..
  8. Sounds to me like your pas pump could be on the way out. When you rev the car the only thing that's changing is the pulley for the pump is spinning faster.
  9. 1 & 2 - alfa_Owner 3 - craigmdennis 4 - StuZGT 5 - baileydom 6 - Kryptek49 7 - Jack94
  10. Sounds like you've got the situation weighed up. I'd either leave the pops n bangs map alone or invest in some decats and find a "friendly" MOT tester. The art pipes are resonated so if you liked how the car sounded with them on I'd get something similar, traditional decats are a lot louder/raspier.
  11. Yeah I can't imagine the car would run well at all if you remove just one of the cats If you want pops n bangs you're better off going for test pipes (decats) or else you'll only blow your cats to bits anyway. Only problem with that is come MOT time you'll either have to put the cats back in for the test or find a "friendly" tester.
  12. I had mine out recently and wanted to avoid breaking into the cooling system too but in the end I couldn't see it being possible. I used the same method as above, although I think I took my engine cover off as well to make a little more room.
  13. Very smart yet subtle Personally I'd give the rear windows a light tint and get some tinted reflectors for the front bumper to match the silver/black look
  14. As with any performance mods really- a remap isn't necessarily needed, but will get the best out of it. Get all performance mods you want on the car first (even if it takes a while) then take it for an UpRev. That way you'll only have to get it tuned oncev which is what you want because it's not cheap to have done I got mine done after I installed a drop in air filter, motordyne mrev2 & plenum spacer because I wasn't planning on modding it anymore. Since then I've bought a whole new exhaust including some HFCs to replace the knackered oem one, so need to get it done again now
  15. No worries, only reason I know about them is because I've got a rev-up too and that's what I'm running. If you Google it there's loads of information out there.
  16. Don't mean to dampen your spirits mate but if you've got a rev-up then a plenum spacer is useless unless combined with the motordyne MREV2 lower plenum.
  17. How can you not figure out how to use price comparison websites!?
  18. I don't think it's a very good idea to go straight from a fiesta (small, powerless, fwd hatchback) to a Zed (big, powerful, rwd sportscar) though. I did something similar when I was 18 and inexperienced, and it ended badly If you're dead set that's the car you want then between now and then I'd seriously consider somehow getting some time behind the wheel of a rwd car with a fair amount of power. A Zed will easily catch you out if you don't know how to handle it. Also if it's going to be your car and you're going to be the one that's driving it most of the time then the policy needs to be in your name with you as the main driver. By all means add family members as named drivers though, that'll probably make a big difference.
  19. What car do you drive at the moment? And have you got much driving experience? Like the guys have said, you might struggle to find companies that'll insure you, or if they will the price might make you change your mind
  20. To get a fair representation of the exhaust gains surely you'd have to dyno the car before and after fitting? You already had the exhaust fitted before you had it mapped so the tune is just optimising the car to the mods you've got. Anyways I always take any bhp gain figures with a pinch of salt considering a lot of them claim ridiculous figures for stuff like inductions kits
  21. If you fancy giving it a go then this link has a simple guide to split the motors apart and repair them- I did it the other week because both mine had packed up, they work like new again now Initially I thought about buying new oem replacements... Until I found out they're £190 each. Personally I didn't fancy going aftermarket because I've heard they're a lot noisier and I only use my Zed as a daily or the odd spirited drive so no need for any extra airflow.
  22. The bottom photo has nismo spats by the look of it. Gotta agree with the guys above though, the diffuser in the top photo looks 1000% better imo
  23. I had a very similar situation the other day funnily enough. I knew it was definitely an airflow problem because it only happened when stationary/slow moving and I'd heard a lot about failing fan motors so stripped them out and as I suspected, neither were working properly. The common problem is that the brushes seize, I followed a simple guide on here to split them apart and fix this. They work like new now and my wallet is no lighter
  24. I'm sure somewhere in the owners manual there's a way to change it between 1 or 2 stage unlocking using the fob..
  25. What a great tutorial! Just saved myself nearly £400 for 2 new motors by repairing the old ones following this guide
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