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Everything posted by Jack94

  1. Use a hub puller to push the driveshaft out? Or use the old fashioned cowboy method of 2 copper hammers and give it a good whack (make sure you put the nut back on loosely to protect the threads).
  2. Happy to help I didn't put on a clear coat because like you say, I was worried that might make them too glossy. Instead I just put quite a few coats of the satin black on. So far they're still looking as good as the day I did them
  3. I had to hunt a bit but got mine off ebay in the end. Yeah whilst I had my trims off I took the opportunity to clean them up. Depends what sort of look you're after, a lot of people wrap or hydrodip them but I wanted to keep it looking oem so I sanded them down then used some plastic primer and satin black paint. They took a while to prep because the oem rubberised coating (or whatever it is) is a right pain in the arse to remove but they came out looking great in the end.
  4. You literally just have to swap the switches over for ones with the auto function, so it's extremely easy. On a facelift Zed like mine the drivers side surround trim just pops off then the switch-pack unclips from the back. The passenger side is the same except you have to remove the grab handle first (pop out the metal insert then undo the two 10mm bolts). I think the pre-facelift is the same except there's an extra screw per side somewhere.
  5. Similar to sending an email. Go to your messages on here, click compose new, then put Zmanalex as the recipient.
  6. Cheers for the replies all, I'll give some glass cleaner with a toothbrush a go! I'm a bit dubious of using food products or stationary on a car
  7. This isn't particularly Zed related but do any of you guys have product/method reccomendations for removing wax stains from unpainted black trim? Gave the girlfriends new car (Fiesta Mk7) a wash, clay, polish & wax at the weekend but wasn't careful enough when applying the wax, now I can't get it off
  8. Yup, I actually sent him the advert for this car to send to you
  9. I think @Keyser is currently breaking one?
  10. @Luke2454 you don't work in B118 at JLR Gaydon by any chance do you?
  11. Yup looks like it's got a full Nismo V1 bodykit (front bumper, sideskirts, spoiler & rear bumper spats). If it's a GT it should also have heated electric leather seats, cruise control & the bose sound system. Like I said before if the redline for the revs starts at 6.5k it's a DE, 7k it's a rev-up.
  12. Firstly, congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the club! It's hard to tell exactly what you've got unless you post some photos up but most likely you've got a nismo bodykit. In the UK I think nissan offered the aero kit an expensive optional extra on all 350z's. If the fitment is good it's hard to tell whether it's genuine or a replica unless you take the bits off and see if it actually says nismo underneath. The DE and Rev-up engines look identical from the outside but the Rev-up has a higher redline (starts at 7000rpm). The later HR engine looks different, has twin intakes and a higher redline again starting at 7500rpm.
  13. Can't comment on your setup specifically but HFCs will definitely make your exhaust significantly louder, and you should gain about 10-15bhp. H-Dev fitted mine to my 350z for £84 so guessing a 370z will be similar. I chose not to have the pops n bangs map put on, unless you have test pipes you'll end up blowing your cats to hell because it's just unburnt fuel igniting in your exhaust. If you're gonna get an UpRev done again once you've got them fitted make sure you get the post-cat O2 sensors turned off, that way you eliminate the chance of getting the EML pop up
  14. Jack94

    Hfc advice?

    No nasty rasp whatsoever, just a lovely burble on upshifts/overrun
  15. Cheers for the heads up @davey_83 but I'm in Wales that weekend. Ill keep an eye out for the next one!
  16. Jack94

    Hfc advice?

    I've been running this setup since August and absolutely love it Can't comment regarding the MOT because mine isn't till April but it sounds great. I swapped from an oem setup so obviously it's a fair bit louder than that but not overly so. I guess it's down to personal preference but the sound level is ideal for me. It's quietish if just tootling round town and barely noticeable if cruising on the motorway, but really roars if you give it some Also I've not had any complaints from my neighbours yet despite leaving the house in the Zed at 5:30am so it can't too bad
  17. Didn't know this, good to know! Just out of curiosity, is the HR engine different then? Pretty sure there's no definitive answer to this, if you search the internet you'll get loads of different answers but it's all just personal preference really. Like I said, I use Shell, but as long as you stick to anything 98+ I wouldn't worry about what brand
  18. Agreed, I think it'd be overkill to drain the bit that's left in the tank, it won't do any harm mixing regular/super unleaded so just fill it up to max and you should be fine. In theory you shouldn't get knock anyway, because the Zed has a knock sensor. If it starts to detect it then the ECU should retard the timing (which is what causes the power decrease) to prevent it.
  19. The 350z is designed to run on 98 octane or above, if you run it with lower than that (i.e. regular unleaded) then you'll get decreased performance, and worse case scenario you'll get engine knock. Most super unleaded is only 97 octane, think it's only Shell and Tesco which offer above 98? Personally I always use Shell because although it may be say 10p/litre more expensive that's nothing really when you weigh up the overall running costs of the car. Like you say, unless you've owned it from new then you'll be extremely lucky if you've got a complete record of every time it's been fueled. Like with anything on the car, all you can do is treat it right and then I'm sure it won't let you down
  20. Cue you spamming nearly every thread on the forum...
  21. My offer is still there for the mats mate, save you all them ebay/PayPal fees
  22. If it's the module created by Flyboy here's the thread which has a bit more info about it- @cs2000 has taken over from Flyboy doing these now though so if you've got any questions he's probably the best guy to ask.
  23. Not sure if it's always the case, but after I replaced the dead battery in one of my keys I had to re-program it to the car. I used this guide-
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