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About Nick2016

  • Birthday 01/09/1990


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  1. Hi everyone I went to the coast this weekend and while I was sat in traffic my car started to overheat, I pulled into the services and had a look. the vans were on put spinning slowly the water lever was spot on and wasn't leaking. I felt the radiator and was only hot on the edges not in the middle. so has any on else had this problem. cheers Nick
  2. 1.Andy James +1 2.Buster +1 3. Keyser +1 4. Valy + 1 5. Evilscorp 6. teejay + 1 7. Andy_Muxlow 8. STYLZ+1 9. Paul K + 1 10. Rob350 + 1 11. Roasty + 1 12. Humpy 13. Tomb 14. Chippychip123 +1 15. Riichard +1 16. Brummiestormer+1 17. Irn Bru +1 18. Kbad + 1 19. Dunks + 1 20. Stuggerz + 1 21. 14N 22. Gizmo + 1 23. Nso93 24. MattRwebB +1 25. jdm2003 +1 26. SHEZZA 27. SUPRAWOOKIE +1 28. OliverB (possibly a +1) 29. nick2016
  3. these are pics I have at the moement will post some better one over the next few days.
  4. Hi everyone thought I would say hello, I have had my first black 350z gt for a week now and am loving it cant wait to come to some meets and shows in the summer. merry chrisymas
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