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  1. Hi all, I have been looking on forums low and high for days now to get some straight answers on what will and wont work when replacing the bose door and rear speakers on my Z. Some people are saying 4ohm speakers will be fine but you'll just lose 3db some are saying 4ohm speakers will break the stock amp, some people are saying the stock bose speakers are 2ohm..... there is so much misinformation out there without anyone actually saying "I have done this and it worked/didnt work". I was just wondering if anyone had a knowledge on swapping out the speakers in the bose system? I know that a lot of people completely re-do the whole system, new speakers, new wires, new amp the lot... I want to avoid this if possible and I just want to upgrade the speakers. Anyone played around with this before? Anyone know if 2ohm speakers are just a drag and drop upgrade or if 4ohm speakers damage anything? Any help would be great.
  2. Wow, these look awesome! It may be a rookie question but what is the spec on them (offset/width) and what size tyres do they have on them?
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